BA | British Army Codex


British Army Codex

Made by iBliic

This Lawbook contains all the Rules and Regulations of the British Army. Every guideline of this Codex is called an amendment. If you currently serving our British Army or Intend to, It’s your responsibility to follow and enforce these regulations while in the Academy, and While being in the Uniform.

  1. Always follow the Chain of Command [COC]. Always Contact a Commissioned Officer First. If he or she can’t help. he or she will report it to the Command.

  2. You will Adress Commissioned Officers “Ma’am” or “Sir” depending on their Gender. Education and Training Services will be addressed as “Staff”.

  3. Immaturity is not tolerated. You must act mature and professional whilst on-duty. Even if its the Grounds.

  4. Encouraging members to leave the British Army is an Act of Treason. And its result is a Blacklist from the British Army and Foreign Relations.

  5. Bullying, Swearing, Threatening is strictly Prohibited, Disobeying this can get you Blacklisted.

  6. Recruiting or Advertising for groups outside the British Army is strictly prohibited. will result in getting Blacklisted.

  7. Trolling in the British Army is strictly prohibited. This will result in getting Blacklisted from the British Army.

  8. Before you report a Player for his behaviour. Attempt to change his behaviour. If can’t report it to an Officer or a Moderator.

  9. We do not except to use full grammar, however, use it to the best of your ability.

  10. The use of abbreviations is prohibited in the British Army except for group names and rank titles. (Examples of forbidden abbreviations are; “STS,” “PTS” etc.)

  11. Alway’s obey The Royal Military Police, If it’s an Abusive order, Report it to an RMP Executive

  12. Admin Abuse is prohibited. Failure to do so will result in a Blacklist from the British Army and Foreign Relations

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