|BA| British Army - FOB Information

The British Army’s Forward Operating Base Guide


This guide contains all the information you could need about the British Army’s Forward Operating Base.


General Information
The FOB is the place where other groups may officially raid the British Army. It is a large desert map containing four spawn objectives, a main terminal, and two spawn points for either team.

UIs and Game System
We use a unique raid system, teams capture flags which allows you to spawn other areas in the map. In order to win the game, the rebels must capture and hold the main terminal for 20 minutes. For the British Army team, the objective is to prevent the hostiles from winning the game.

Upon joining the game, players are given the choice of which team they want to join. Teams are limited to a certain amount of players. The British Army team is limited to 40 players, and the Rebels are limited to 25 players. The game server is limited to 50 players.

The image above shows the raid interface. Each point (A,B,C,D) turns from white to it’s corresponding team’s color whenever captured. When in your team’s control, you are able to spawn at these points.

The green bar at the bottom represents the terminal’s status, it empties as the Rebel team holds the terminal. It fills as the British Army holds the terminal. In order to win, the rebels empty that bar completely and the raid end sequence begins.

To capture a flag or the terminal, you simply have to be within a certain radius of it. Each point captures at a certain speed, based on the number of people capturing it at a time.

Terminals can also be contested , 2 players of opposite teams at the point will cause a stalemate. 8 players on team A and 7 players on team B at a point will capture at the rate of 1 person to team A.



General Rules:

  • Do not enter the oppositions spawn area
  • Do not kill the opposition whilst they are in their spawn area
  • No exploiting, glitching or cheating
  • No flaming
Raiding Conditions

Raid Notes

  • Each raid goes on until rebels win or everyone in the server leaves.
  • Each server is limited to 50 players.
  • Spawn killing is allowed!

Raid Start Conditions

  • A raid begins when a player first joins the server
  • A raid cannot be stopped once it begins unless rebels win or everyone in the server leaves.

Raid End Conditions

  • The rebels win by taking 100% terminal control
  • The defenders can not win the game, but their objective is to prevent the rebels from winning.
  • The rebels win once they have held the terminal for 30 minutes. Server lag may extend this time to be a bit longer.
  • A nuke is launched
  • It blows up the terminal
  • The server crashes lmao

Last Updated: 05/21/2019

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