| BA | Inspection Guide

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Join The British Army Today!

Join The British Army Today!
Join The British Army Today!

Join The British Army Today!

This chapter is for the attendees of the inspection, and not the person representing the regiment.

Join The British Army Today!
Falling In:


  • Falling In
  1. The host will shout “[REGIMENT],” “FALL,” “IN!”
  2. The regiment will fall in. (Host repeats until all regiments present have fallen in.)
    (Use the video above to see how to fall in.)
  • Starting
  1. The host will shout “PARADE,” “PRESENT,” “ARMS!”
  2. Everyone present salutes facing directly at the British Army flag.
  3. The host will play the British Army’s Anthem.
  4. After 10 seconds, the host will shout “PARADE,” “ORDER,” “ARMS!”, all attendees will stop saluting.
  5. The host will end the Anthem once everyone present has stopped saluting.
  • Inspection
  • The host and/or co-hosts will go around to each set of pads, inspecting every regiment present,
    they will always follow the following procedure:
  1. Host walks up to you.
  2. Host Salutes you and stays saluting.
  3. You salute back and stay saluting the host.
  4. The Host stops saluting.
  5. You stop saluting.
  6. You say your format. (Info below.)
  7. The host asks you a regiment related question.


  • Structure:


  • Example:

Private GrammaFootBoiGirlYes, Educational and Training Services, Drill Instructor, Sir!

After Inspection:

  • Wedge:
  • After everyone is inspected, the host will ask everyone to wedge on them, then say “PARADE,” “PRESENT,” “ARMS!”
  • The host will then say “PARADE,” “DIS-” “MISSED!”, at that point, you are allowed to leave the game.


  • Calculation:
  • When a host inspects someone, they give a score of them from 1-10, this score is recorded. Once everyone in the regiment is inspected, the average score is calculated, that is the regiment’s final score. Scores are released after the inspection, in an announcement.
  • Scoring:
  • To get a good score, the host looks out for:
  1. Perfect formats.
  2. Not going AFK.
  3. Perfect falling in.
  4. No irrational movement in the inspection.
  5. Leaving during the Inspection.
  6. Incorrect order of personnel on the pads.

Join The British Army Today!

This chapter is for the representative of the regiment, they are the first person on the front pads.

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Falling In:

  • Before anything, the attendees of the Inspection must get in a line, from highest ranking to lowest, highest ranking is first. The first person in the line is the representative of the regiment being inspected.
    It is the job of the representative to manage the line and ensure it is straight, and in order.

  • When marching towards the parade grounds, the representative must take the correct route to their designated pads, below is an image for the paths and designated pads for each regiment:

there must be a 3 second delay between each person marching, a video is below for demonstration:

  • When falling in to one of the pads at the Parade Grounds, the representative must fall in the way the video below demonstrates:


  • Falling In
  1. The host will shout “[REGIMENT],” “FALL,” “IN!”
  2. The regiment will fall in. (Host repeats until all regiments present have fallen in.)
    (Use the video above to see how to fall in.)
  • Starting
  1. The host will shout “PARADE,” “PRESENT,” “ARMS!”
  2. Everyone present salutes facing directly at the British Army flag.
  3. The host will play the British Army’s Anthem.
  4. After 10 seconds, the host will shout “PARADE,” “ORDER,” “ARMS!”, all attendees will stop saluting.
  5. The host will end the Anthem once everyone present has stopped saluting.
  • Inspection
  • The host and/or co-hosts will go around to each set of pads, inspecting every regiment present,
    they will always follow the following procedure:
  1. Host walks up to you.
  2. Host Salutes you and stays saluting.
  3. You salute back and stay saluting the host.
  4. The Host stops saluting.
  5. You stop saluting.
  6. You say your format. (Info below.)
  7. The host asks you “How do you think [REGIMENT] will do today?”
  8. You reply with your answer with full grammar. (E.G "I think [REIGMENT] will do great today, Sir!


  • Structure:

[BA RANK] [USERNAME], [REGIMENT], [REGIMENT RANK], ready for inspection, Sir/Ma’am!

  • Example:

Major GrammaFootBoiGirlYes, Educational and Training Services, Recruiting Staff, ready for inspection, Sir!

After Inspection:

  • Wedge:
  • After everyone is inspected, the host will ask everyone to wedge on them, then say “PARADE,” “PRESENT,” “ARMS!”
  • The host will then say “PARADE,” “DIS-” “MISSED!”, at that point, you are allowed to leave the game.


  • Calculation:
  • When a host inspects someone, they give a score of them from 1-10, this score is recorded. Once everyone in the regiment is inspected, the average score is calculated, that is the regiment’s final score. Scores are released after the inspection, in an announcement.
  • Scoring:
  • To get a good score, the host looks out for:
  1. Correct Uniform.
  2. Not going AFK.
  3. Perfect falling in.
  4. No irrational movement in the inspection.
  5. Leaving during the Inspection.
  6. Incorrect order of personnel on the pads.
  7. Fast response time.