|BA| ~The British Army~ Codex

British Army Rules:

  1. A senior-ranks word is supreme. If you feel their word is unjust, report them to their seniors.
    or contact Army Legal Services.

  2. All members are to be referred to as their British Army rank while at any British Army facility.

  3. Appropriate uniforms are to be worn at all times while at any British Army facility.

  4. Immaturity will not be tolerated while participating in any on OR off duty activities at a BA facility, including but not limited to:

    1. British Army group games.
    2. British Army discord.
    3. Regimental group games.
    4. Regimental discords.
    5. British Armed Forces (including any of its branches) facilities.
  5. High ranking personnel are always expected to perform grammar to the best of their ability.

  6. Always respect the commands of any law enforcement regiment (RMP or RGR). Comply
    with every order they ask. If you feel their word is unjust, report them to a superior or contact
    Army Legal Services.

  7. If you have an issue, go to a rank immediately superior to you and ask them for help. If they
    cannot help, ask the rank immediately superior to them. You are to follow this Chain of
    Command until you reach someone who can help you.

  8. Admin Abuse of any kind will result in a permanent blacklist from BAF and all of its branches.

  9. Immaturity, Trolling, and vulgar language will not be tolerated while on duty or at any British
    Army facilities. Swearing is permitted to a very mild extent on discord, and admins will warn
    you when you have crossed a line.

  10. The British Army does not allow outside group promoting, or encouraging other members to
    leave. These are both considered treason and will be dealt with as such.

Respect all ROBLOX legal documents while participating on ROBLOX: https://en.help.roblox.com/hc/en-us/sections/360000007623-Legal-Documents

British Army Rank Structure:

Enlisted Ranks:

Recruit > Attend a ST or PT get ranked to PVT and do the same meet requirements to join your favorite regiment mostly it will be of CPL+

Non-Commissioned Officer Ranks:

Lance Corporal > Corporal - Become a Fire Team Commander.

Corporal > Sergeant - Become a Section Commander.

Sergeant > Staff/Colour Sergeant. Be promoted for your skills as a section commander.

Staff Sergeant > Warrant Officer Class 2 - Become a Company/Squadron Sergeant Major.

Warrant Officer Class 2 > Warrant Officer Class 1 - Become a Regimental Sergeant Major.

Warrant Officer Class 1 > Army Sergeant Major- Be appointed by the Chief of General Staff for outstanding performance as a Regimental Sergeant Major.

Officer Ranks:

Any SMR Rank > Officer Cadet: Pass the BOP program entrance exam. The higher an SMR you are, the more likely you are to be accepted (Corporal: 5% ; Regimental Sergeant Major: 90%).

Officer Cadet > 2nd Lieutenant: Complete the BOP program.

2nd Lieutenant > Lieutenant: Become a Platoon/Troop Commander.

Lieutenant > Captain: Be promoted for your excellency as a Platoon/Troop Commander.

Captain > Major: Become a Company/Squadron Commander.

Major > Lieutenant Colonel: Become a Battalion/Regiment Commander.

Any Officer Rank > Colonel: Be recommended by your Division or Corps Leader for an administrative position.

Lieutenant Colonel > Brigadier: Become a Brigade Commander.

Brigadier > Major General: Become a Division Commander, or an equivalent rank.

Headquarters Ranks:

Major General > Lieutenant General: Become a Corps Commander, or an equivalent rank.

Lieutenant General > General: Become the Chief of the Defence Staff, or an equivalent rank.

General > Field Marshal: Be appointed to Commander-in-Chief during a war for your excellency as a General.

Committee Ranks:

General > Deputy Chairman: Be appointed by the Chairman for your excellency as a General.

Deputy Chairman > Chairman: Be appointed by the Secretary General for your excellency as a Deputy Chairman.

British Army Subsidiaries:

Regiments: LTCOL = Instructor
COL = Officer
BRIG = Executive
MGEN = Commander
LTGEN = Chief

British Army Headquarters Ranks:

General Positions:

  • First General staff overseeing, (RMP, ETS, RAMC)

  • Second General Staff overseeing, (RIC, RGG, RGR)

  • Third General Staff overseeing, (PARAS, UKSF, AAC)
    -Fourth General Staff overseeing, (BOP, FR, RAPTC)
    -Fifth General Staff overseeing, (JA, AGC, 1ATD)

Owners Position:

-Vice Chief Of Defence, Oversees (Development Team, Third General Staff, Fourth General Staff, Fifth General Staff, Foreign Relations and in-game problems)
-Chief Of Defence, Oversees (Head Developers, First General Staff, Second General Staff and War)

CrackedRevenge, Holder

Forum issued by,
Freezing98robloxYT, Vice Chief of General Staff