Babikú | Alliance Application
The Communications Department at Babikú greatly appreciates your interest in wanting to form an alliance with us! Before you begin, please make sure you fit all our requirements and go over the responsibilities you will have if we do form an alliance. Please put all your answers in a Google document and send it to a Babikú communications associate. We wish you the best of luck!
Your ROBLOX group must have a minimum of 750 members.
Your discord server must have a minimum of 200 members.
A minimum of two representatives must join the Babikú Discord server.
Your group must be professional and have no history of scamming, trolling, etc.
Have an organized ROBLOX page and Discord server and have rules that are easily accessible to the public.
Group and Discord must have a good ratio with a consistent growth rate.
Exceptions can be made.
If you are accepted, professionalism and use of proper grammar are expected from all affiliate representatives.
Make sure you are actively communicating with our team.
Announce important information (i.e. applications, events, etc.). If you are unsure whether or not something needs to be announced please ask a member of the Communications department.
Check #affiliates-updates channel constantly for any updates/announcement requests. Communication is key.
Application Questions
If you meet our requirements and accept the responsibilities please fill these questions out in detail.
[1] What is the name of the group?
[2] Please link the ROBLOX group and Discord server.
[3] Why are you interested in forming an alliance with Babikú?
[4] How will this partnership benefit both groups?
[5] What is your group about & what are your core values?
[6] What makes your group more worthy of this partnership over others?
[7] If your group is accepted, who will be representing your group? (List at least 2 users)
[8] Do you promise to abide by all rules and regulations set within Babikú’s community?
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to a communications associate.
Thank you,
Babikú Communications Department