Babikú | Public Guidebook

Welcome to Babikú! :wave:

About us
Babikú is a Korean-style barbeque, where our main goal is to ensure all our customers are satisfied with the service provided! We strive to introduce mouth-watering Korean Cuisine right here on the ROBLOX platform, while establishing a positive atmosphere amongst our community. In this handbook, expect to see information on how-to things and general information on key areas of Babikú.

’‘Delighted to grill, united to succeed.’’

:chopsticks: Babikú - ROBLOX


❔Frequently Asked Questions

How do I work at Babikú?

In order to begin your journey at Babikú, you are required to have a specific position to do so. To do so, you may join our Quiz Center; and if you pass, you will achieve the Awaiting Training position. You won’t be immediately allowed into the kitchen yet; as the rank is self explanatory. You’ll need to attend trainings; in order to rank up to Junior Chef. You can find out about our Session Schedule later on.

Is there a specific date of MR applications?

There is no set date of releasing applications of opportunities to join the staff team; however, there is another way of achieving a spot in our Management Team. You are able to achieve the Shift Leader position, and you may maintain active and contribute to Babikú. You can find more information regarding this in our Shift Leader Promotion Guide. Furthermore, applications release once we are in need of individuals within the Management Team.

I saw a staff member point cheating and doing other things they shouldn’t, what do I do?

You can report them to an MR in-game, if they aren’t; please inform an MR in our Discoard server.

🤝 Alliance Handbook

In order to form a viable affiliation with Babikú, you must meet the following requirements put in place for one to be feasible. Failure to meet these requirements will result in the denial of your request. Some exceptions may be made but, we do not accept major ones. Babikú expects those who wish to become an affiliate of Babikú to have good activity, professionalism and an overall good background on the ROBLOX platform.


    • Group must have 1500+ members (non-botted).
  • Communications server must contain 300+ members (non-botted).
  • All of Babikú’s events must be announced upon request.
  • Group must be a similar business within the industry (clothing, restaurant, cafe, etc).
  • Group must not have a history of free-ranking or selling ranks with administrative powers.
  • Community must have a stable activity rate.
  • Representatives must communicate frequently with hosted events, etc.


Think your group meets all of our requirements? You can start thinking about the application. We advise that you provide detailed answers, constructed to your best ability to guide us more to our final decision. All your answers should be put together on a Google Document, where our Public Relations Department can then review and estimate if the alliance is possible. It will take up to 24 - 72 hours for the Public Relations Department to reply back with feedback on your affiliation request. At this time, we ask that you remain patient while the department makes a final decision. If you have any concerns or queries on this topic, it is advised that you contact a member of the Public Relations Department.


  1. What is the name of your group? Include a brief description and links to your Discord server and Roblox group.
  2. Why is your group looking to form an affiliation with Babikú?
  3. How would this affiliation be mutually beneficial to both groups?
  4. What sets your group apart from other establishments in your industry?
  5. How would your group maintain a long-lasting affiliation with Babikú?
  6. List the contact information of two representatives who we can contact.
  7. Do you understand that Babikú reserves the right to terminate this affiliation at a moment’s notice for any reason we deem acceptable?
📘Code of Conduct


All apparel must be appropriate in any of our games. If you are caught wearing something that is against our or ROBLOX’s guidelines, you will be asked to take it off. Failure to comply will result in a consequence.


Trolling is highly discouraged as it is a form of disruption. If you are seen trolling, a kick from a Middle Rank+ can be issued.


Exploiting is highly prohibited and is against Babikú’s guidelines. Any action(s) performed that is seen as exploiting will be accounted for. Exploiting will result in an immediate Permanent ban.


Spamming is discouraged as it is a form of disruption. If you are seen spamming, you will receive a ban from that server.


All other disruptive actions performed in our games will be taken into account. A warning will be issued followed by a kick if you continue to disrupt. A ban/P-ban will be taken into consideration if further disruption is caused.

📖Session Schedule

6 AM EST / 12 PM BST / 11 AM GMT
9 AM EST / 3 PM BST / 2 PM GMT
12 PM EST / 6 PM BST / 5 PM GMT
3 PM EST / 9 PM BST / 8 PM GMT
6 PM EST / 12 AM BST / 11 PM GMT

📝Appeal Information

At Babikú, we strive to have a positive environment within our ROBLOX games and Discord. If you are caught breaking any Babikú rules, these may result in consequences such as ROBLOX game bans, Discord bans, etc. However, Babikú strongly believes in giving individuals second chances. If you wish to appeal your ban, please go through our appeal requirements. If you meet these requirements, you are approved to utilize the ban appeal form. A member of the Staffing Department will get to you soon.


  • Ban must have been 2 weeks before appeal.
  • Trolling will not be allowed within your appeal, Babikú has every right to decline if so.
  • Must be a Discord or ROBLOX ban to appeal. Individuals must show effort in appeal to prove they have improved.
  • Babikú has every right to decline an appeal for any reason, do not express any backfire if you are denied your appeal.


  • Why were you banned from Babikú?
  • Where were you banned at Babikú? i.e Discord or ROBLOX.
  • How have you improved from your ban?
  • Why are you appealing your ban today?
  • Do you understand Babikú has every right to decline your appeal for any reason?

Unfortunately, this form does not assist any alliance blacklists. If your company was blacklisted from being an alliance of Babikú, please contact a member of Public Relations for any further conversations.

🧑‍🍳Team Leader Promotion Guide


In order to get promoted as a Shift Leader, there are a few requirements to meet and additional information. To get recommended, you’ll need to meet the following criteria. Individuals with staff blacklists or have a bad reputation within Babikú, they won’t have the ability to join our Management Team.


Must be 13+, including being in our Discoard server.
Must have disabled safechat.
Must have been a Shift Leader for at least 5 days.
A positive image within the industry; along with Babikú.
Must not hint for any promotional notice.

Once you’ve met the mentioned criteria, a member of the Staffing Department will recommend you and essential information will be sent to you regarding your special application. Any inquiries may be directed to the Staffing Department.

🔗Essential Links

Babikú Group
Communal Hub
Public Handbook

Thank you for taking the time reading our handbook! We hope that all information provided has been of use to you. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact a member of the High Rank Team.

Last Revised: 20/01/23

Babikú Presidential Board