I have just now created my second topic about another showcase that i have made.
I had a whole week of school, but, Though I had 3 day’s of free time to make this whole Showcase . As I did say in my other topic about the Architect Hall Showcase that I had made a couple day’s back. It was all made by me. No help, No free Model’s, It’s all part’s. on it’s own.
Through out this showcase when I was building It, I had thought of some replie’s that were given on my other topic. I had used those replie’s to try & make this showcase be better then ever.
Here I have some screenshot’s for the showcase it self.
In my point I hope that this turned out good. For other’s, if you have any question’s or idea’s for the showcase, then don’t be afraid to ask, I’ll try to replie back to most of them. Thank’s
This is actually insanely good! There’s a lot of detail in this that makes it appealing and look pretty adorable at the same time!
Only suggestions I have is maybe to add a little bit more color to the room, hence it’s made for a child - it’ll probably look much cuter with some colors!
Also, maybe a little bit of plant life? Planets really help bring a game/showcase to life and adding it to this on a shelf or dresser would really make a nice touch in my opinion!
Looks good so far with the details. I also have a suggestion. Maybe use light colours, (like white, blue…), the current colours would look nice for an adult room. Also the birds on the wall would look nice white, which would remind me to peace doves. Now it’s black, which reminds me a bit to Halloween to be honest. Anyways, good job on the room and good luck.
Your baby room looks absolutely amazing.
I love the color, and the detail.
As.mentioned before, you may need too add some coloring.
On the 5th picture, I noticed that there isn’t much detail on the shelf. Try adding a stuff animal or more baby toys in general.
Anyways you’ve done a great job!
Keep up the great work!
The room itself looks really good, but to me it looks like a living room converted into a baby room. I think you should add more baby aspects like more toys scattered around the room, a toy chest, a mobile hanging above the crib, and maybe even baby clothes.