Background Music Stops When Opening Roblox Mobile App

When listening to music on my phone and opening the Roblox app, the background music stops playing. If I manually resume the music and switch back to the Roblox app, the music pauses again. This issue occurs with YouTube music and Spotify, suggesting it is not specific to one music app.


  1. Open a music app (ex. YouTube Music or Spotify) and start playing a song.
  2. Open the Roblox mobile app while the music is playing.
  3. Music stops as soon as Roblox app launches.
  4. Resume the music from the notification panel or music app.
  5. Return to the Roblox app, the music pauses again.

Expected behavior

The background music should continue playing while using the Roblox app, similar to how other apps allow background audio.


do you have currently have voice chat enabled?

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Hey @bvetterdays & @Akusesa

Please describe to me the types of experiences you would like to play with 3rd party music apps playing in the background.


You might be better off posting this under the feature request thread since more users have engaged with that discussion. I’ll also tag @pyxfluff here for their input.

As for me, there isn’t a specific type of experience where music would enhance the gameplay—if that’s what you’re asking. It would just be nice to have for experiences that either lack sound entirely or have audio that isn’t enjoyable or crucial to gameplay. In those cases, you’d rather keep listening to your own background music. It’s the same use case as having Spotify open on a PC while playing a Roblox game. I don’t see why mobile should pause background music when other platforms don’t.

I don’t have an issue with background music stopping when actually playing an experience, but when browsing the app, like looking through the marketplace, checking my avatar, or exploring settings. I’d like the ability to keep my music playing.


I completely agree with @bvetterdays opinion, I share him the same sentiment. I couldn’t have said it better. I’ve played some Roblox games before with Spotify music on, in the background on my Mobile phone during my grinding for “The Hunt” event, and it literally felt like the best experience ever to me when it comes to playing Roblox. Some games just feel much better with music on, it doesn’t really depend on the game type or genre, it’s more dependent on the game itself.

I really hope for this behavior to change and never get background sound/music paused whenever the Roblox app is opened or even when an experience is entered. However, the thing is, I don’t really experience this behavior at all on my Android devices, I believe only IOS devices are affected. Can anybody else confirm this? If that’s true, then I would like the behavior to be consistent between the platforms.