Background transparancy

The background of my image label isn’t transparent.
I’ve tried setting the background transparency from 0 to 1 and vise versa.
I’ve tried exporting the image with a transparent background also. It doesn’t work.

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Can you give a picture of your workspace/gif

it is in a surface gui if that means anything

Maybe make sure you’re saving the image as a PNG and not a JPEG?

I think it was saved as a png, but I’ll double check. I might not be able to get back and confirm until the next day because its late rn

From what I understand, the image background you want to be transparent is the one selected. If the image has a background when you import it, the background will be there even if you make the BackgroundTransparency 0. The only way kind of around this is making ImageTransparency 0 but that would probably make the whole image transparent. I suggest making sure your image has no background when importing it.

It doesn’t have a background. The white background there was already there. I exported it from firealpaca with a transparent background so I don’t know what’s up with that.

Hmm, weird. Never seen anything like that. You exported it as a PNG, right?

always set the background transparency to 1 on images.

Then, set the ImageColor3 property to whatever you want for your transparency

I’ve checked now and it is in png format

I don’t want the background to be visible so the first part makes sense, but why set the image color property? If its transparent should you not be able to see the color of the background at all?

I’ve figured it out. The image wasn’t exported with the proper background.