Backpacking Instances & its Descendants

I know this is definitely the wrong category, but I can’t find the feature request category.

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to bring instances from one place to another.

If this issue is addressed, it would improve my development experience because I would not have to go in a game, CTRL+C, then to back to the other game, then CTRL+V. For me, it usually takes like 10 seconds to open a game. And also, if I just got back to my game, but then I realized I forgot to copy something else too, I would have to go back and do the process all over again.

Basically, think of it like the backpacking in the Scratch Editor. You just drag it into your backpack, then go back to your game, then put it in.

For requests like these is Feature Requests/Studio Features.

I know im supposed to put it in that category, but I couldn’t find the category so I just added tags.