Hey, long time no see! Yeah, after two years I think? I’m back, and I will try to be more active here but WHO CARES, you’re here for some Backrooms thing so here it is, it’s just a little test I did to see if I could achieve a similar looking camera quality from late 90s, early 2000s, there’s a lot of laziness from my part but overall I think it turned out fine, there’s a lot of inspiration from different media pieces and not limited to Backrooms content itself, take in count the rooms doesn’t make any sense since I just did it them on the go, sadly, the compression effect I did is barely visible since the video itself is compressed lol, but enough talking, here it is:
What do you think? Should I make a full game from this? All feedback is really appreciated
visuals and aesthetics are good, but you’re gonna have to bring something new to the table that the other backrooms games don’t do. Otherwise it will be lost on the endless wave of the other backrooms games
I totally agree, I’m actually not really interested on the creatures part and all of that, I was planning on doing other type of horror, and I may actually not even do the backrooms itself, more like all type of liminal spaces, this was honestly just a test to see Roblox capabilities, as I’m not too familiar with the engine.
Thanks a lot man! The 1/7 is actually because there’s intentional black borders I implemented, but because I needed to compress de video, the compressor for some reason cut the other border and I sadly couldn’t find an option to avoid that . The camera bob is a GREAT feedback, I actually thought of it before but I’m afraid that I don’t have the skills to do it
Anyways, here is how it looks with the other border lol:
Ooh! Necrobump! Time to comment on this. Something like so should work to cap the FPS:
while true do
local t0 = tick()
repeat until t0 + 1/TARGET_FRAMERATE < tick()
Game looks awesome, by the way. I don’t think you should make a full thing out of it, but a playable showcase would be cool.
Woah, didn’t expected this to rise from the ashes, I’m happy to see that at least one person expected this all this time xD, sadly lot of stuff happened in my life lately and needed to rethink my priorities, but I think about this every single day, so it’s just a matter to have the time to complete this, maybe doing a showcase like Kwick said would be enough, but I promise this gonna be completed sooner than later, I also have a Star Wars project in the shelving waiting to be completed too xD