Backrooms upcoming game

Me and my brother have been working hard on this backrooms experience.

The teaser we made for the upcoming game:

What do you think of it?

-Thanks to all of your comments, the game is really outdated from visuals side and we are polishing it.


Looking good, good luck for future progress.


The lighting makes the walls look green plus there’s a fair amount of light leaking, I would suggest fixing that. Also the texture feels too small if that made any sense. The video editing’s pretty cool though.


Several things bad about this and I will be glad to point each one out.

  • For some reason, The backrooms look green instead of a goldish yellow/orange color.
  • The viewbobbing is too sensitive and fast.
  • The FOV is too wide.
  • Free models?
  • When the player body is visible it makes it worse in my opinion.
  • The light’s neon parts are too bright.
  • Why are the dark areas in the backrooms illuminated?
  • Stop using spotlights for the ceiling lights.

That’s all I could point out so far.
I suggest making those better and improving it.

And try separating from the thousands of backrooms clones out there and make this a bit unique.


Uhh, it looks bad to me.


  • The layered clothing is cool I guess.

  • Random map generation is cool


  • Green. Its just green. make it yellow.

  • Walls are too thick

  • Some areas are just too open

  • Free models.

  • The hazmat suit looks wrong on the blocky body

  • What is that FOV, it looks terrible

  • The actual light parts need to be smaller and inset into the roof instead of poking out from it, as well as actually looking like lights.

  • Use surface lights instead, not spot lights.

  • Dont make the whole body visible, just the arms.

  • The game is WAYYY too bright in most parts

  • If the entire gameplay loop is going to be run, it isn’t gonna be fun.

  • Trailer music does not fit whats being shown at all

  • I would prefer if the game had a massive VHS look to it instead of being POV

  • 2015 looking teaser, did you take inspiration from the original FNAF trailer?

  • The monster animations are terrible, when its walking it just looks like its gliding, and the “jumpscare” is just the monster A posing and the camera moving.
    Make the monsters jumpscare actually take place in the map with proper animations for it, and stop the monster from moving while its killing a player to give other players time to run away.

  • Its just another (probably) poorly designed, not fun backrooms game.
    Most, if not all backrooms games I’ve played just aren’t fun and most of the time, poorly designed.
    I wouldn’t be surprised if this one is similar to other ones I’ve played.

  • I would rather have consistent or no wall lining than inconsistent wall lining.

  • The game just looks bad. Like, something that was put together in a few days.

  • The flashlight is too far from the camera, and it isn’t even being held properly, like who holds a flashlight from the back???

  • I can’t tell if you guys are or aren’t using tools for the items, but if you are, I would say to just script your own tool system since the roblox one is bad in my opinion.

  • The walk animations looks SO wrong. There’s too little movement, and you move too fast for the animation to look real.

  • The fact you can easily outrun the monster is terrible gameplay design, as it removes all challenge from having the monster in the first place.

  • Having the carpet be pristine makes the game look bad. Adding randomized spills and dark patches to the carpet will make it look much better.

  • Change the carpet material. A lot of images depict the backrooms having a more bumpy carpet than flat carpet.

And that’s my pro and cons list complete.
Sorry there’s a few more cons than pros, but it’s my honest opinion on things.

I did also include some ways you could change stuff to make the game better.


Thanks for the comment, though we are a team of 2 developers, one scripter and a modeler, we are trying really hard to make the best backrooms game, we havent revealed much about the gameplay so it is logical to think it is a running simulator. Also we are currently revamping a lot of the games visuals so the teaser is a little outdated. Anyways thanks for the feedback, we really appreciate it.


I think that’s probably going to take a lot more than just a Kane Pixels inspired randomly-generated Backrooms game, I would suggest adding more levels and entities over time.

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We are planing to add lvl 1 and 2 aswell, the game its not just boring gameplay, we made sure to be fun

I actually recommend pointlights with shadows and the brightness set to .5 that are parented to attachments since it looks better in most cases.

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Well it doesn’t look like that in the trailer. The trailer makes it seem like you just run around and occasionally get chased by an entity.

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Its not a trailer its a teaser(if you see the title of the youtube video there is no trailer), we made it to anounce that the game is being made. We havent shown the gameplay yet

Also the teaser is really outdated because we changed a lot since we got feedback from this post.

I am probably going to make a new post so that you can play the game yourself and for those who dont have time i am going to add some photos.