For some UIS refuses to listen any input caused by backspace, is this a studio-only issue or not?
if __INPUT.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Backspace then
if __PLAYER.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") then
Add a print after the Keycode check to see if it is actually detected. What might be happening is that the check for finding a tool in your character fails because the Backspace key drops the tool, parenting it out of your character.
Use ContextActionService (CAS) instead, it’d overwrite the dropping of the tool though. Also note that when you press BackSpace the tool has already left your character and entered the workspace. Unless disabled.
The thing is, I have a custom droptool mechanic, that’s why i use backspace yet it doesn’t fire.
Also i just realized i misspelled the title it’s suppose to be backspace not backpack.
If it isn’t printing, there’s probably some bigger problem above the code that is preventing this certain block from running. Can you show the whole script/function?