"Bad" Mesh Names Popup Broken

There is already a post about something similar to this but it seemed to go fairly unaddressed and the issue has gotten worse. Sometimes when I upload meshes it pops to the meshpart and doesn’t change it as shown in this gif:

This issue took me a long time to figure out, and was excessively frustrating and exhausting. The only reason I figured out why this was happening is that I happened to open output and find the error message “13:35:45.821 - Unable to publish MeshPart: Inappropriate name

There used to be a popup that allowed me re-name the mesh (not that it worked, renaming it never made it upload after it had been initially rejected) but now it’s just nothing. I am not a scripter. I don’t operate with output open very often. I have however, uploaded thousands of meshes and intend to upload many more. My workflow has been destroyed by this bug (or feature, I don’t even know at this point!)

I have heard the arguments, that the Roblox site uses these publicly and so they have to be watched to a degree. Except in my use-case, it’s filtering out number sequences. I use these number sequences to understand iterations in my models and have been using it for years in this industry. If the concern is moderation why can’t we just have our meshs automatically set to private as far as the website is concerned? I don’t see how it’s anyone’s business (on the website anyway) looking at my meshes or their names anyway.
At the very least, we should bring back the notification message because new users will not have any idea what is happening to their meshes when they’re randomly not being uploaded.


I had to deal with this today. I agree that off-sale assets shouldn’t even be able to be viewed.

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This issue has slowed my workflow for a while, I don’t feel I ever know which of my models have uploaded and which haven’t. And the bulk uploader - while nice - requires me to publish the Studio place first which isn’t always something I want to do.

I can’t imagine how new devs must feel. I’m certain they’re confused though, as this isn’t a consistent flow.

Thank you for making this thread!

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