Bad navmesh on a complex map

The navmesh is very bad on a complex map.

The entire map is a single mesh.

I’m using PreciseConvexDecomposition for collisions.

Even if I separate/split some meshes it’s still pretty much impossible to get a good navmesh
when using MeshPart-s.

I’ve imported the map in Unity and Unity solves the problem well, since it cuts the mesh and offsets
it at the intersections.

The screenshot above is Unity, Roblox is below.
The camera is inside the wall, the red line is where the wall is: you can see that Unity clearly separates the inside vs outside of the wall, but Roblox does not.

Are there any workarounds for this?

I’ve attached the map also (.obj file).
farmWhole.obj (428.0 KB)

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