Badge Awarded After Game Completion

HI everyone right now I am lost at a part of my game where I am trying to award a badge to the players after winning.
If anyone can help me award the badge to the players that would be really helpful my badge ID is
Thanks everyone.

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Well, tell us the type of game, obby, time trial game?

Im designing a Horror game and when you get to the end you are awarded with a badge

im testing @RasherTheGamer’s code rn

Thats the badge Id, not a user id

How do you finish? By touching a part? Or by time

Also, next time PLEASE read the devforum structure it begs you to use. That way you won’t have to make a post about issues as simple as these, seeing as you will look for solutions online first. If you already looked for any solutions, that’s my bad.

By touching a part it triggers to the server tho

I am still finding out how to make the badge trigger if i knew already then why would i make this post lol

bandicam 2022-08-02 03-38-48-664
When searching for something, don’t be too specific. Sorry if i’m annoying here, but Roblox has a few tutorials that pop up when searching this sort of stuff.

thanks ill look into that right now

I think thats like a part thing

So if you want to give a player the badge, just put this in the part that they need to touch
local BadgeService = game:GetService(“BadgeService”)
local id = YOUR BADGE ID
local badgegive = game.Workspace.YOUR PART

if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”) then
local plr = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
if not BadgeService:UserHasBadgeAsync(plr.UserId, id) then
BadgeService:AwardBage(plr.UserId, id)

Will this script only give the badge to the player who touches the part?

Yes, I am pretty sure, I have checked it

Tell me if it has errors

Alright let me do a test and Ill get back to you.

It may print out a bunch of errors if a humanoid that isn’t a player touches the part, though.

But other than that, the script is good.

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Ah, right, thanks for pointing that out

So if NPCs touch the part, it prints errors
Good to know

alright other than that do u guys think the script is clean?

Yes, events print out errors but never stop triggering. It’s fine, though you should change the if line to
if plr and not BadgeService:UserHasBadgeAsync(plr.UserId, id) then

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