Badge Creation is Now Live on the Creator Dashboard

Hello Creators,

We’re excited to announce the next step in the journey toward the Creator Dashboard becoming the primary place to manage your assets, with the addition of Badge Creation!

You can now go to the Creator Dashboard to create and manage all your Badges for any of your experiences. This also means you can now even manage your Badges on the go, as Creator Dashboard can be used on mobile!

Ensuring the features you use every day are accessible and modern is a top priority for Roblox. This is why we built Creator Dashboard, where you can manage and operate all of the content and assets you have uploaded to the Roblox platform.

Please provide any bug reports or feature requests that you come across whilst using this new feature, and we can’t wait to hear what you think!


Creator Resources team


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I’d appreciate it if there was a way to view the places under our experiences using the new create page. Also the “Overview” page currently doesn’t have much of a purpose, it’d be nice if we could edit the icon, thumbnail, and description of the our experience (maybe a way to view developer stats and to enter studio from that page as well?).

Also is there any reason to why Badge creation has been prioritised over Gamepasses and Developer Products?


Loving the migration to Creator Dashboard. The new site is such a great experience compared to the older Develop page and I’m really excited to see the migration getting closer and closer to being on-par with the old Develop pages.


Very cool! When is the ability to rearrange badges gonna arrive? I feel like this new page is a great opportunity to add this feature.


Any reason on why this says ‘you can only create 5 badges per-day’, does this mean you will be removing to ability to pay 100 Robux to create extra badges on a day? If so, this will negatively impact experiences that are set up in a short amount of time and need a-lot of badges…

Also, noticed that GIF is no longer a supported format… I’d assume this is to stop confusion around people thinking GIFs were supported, while internally only the first frame was actually used.


Right next to that, it says “After hitting the limit, you will be required to purchase additional badges”.


Ah, the bar that displays the file size was blocking me from seeing that. :sweat_smile:

In that case, I have no problems with this update.


Any plans to add Studio launching from this? I feel like from there you qwould only need a few more tweaks and then the Create button could start redirecting to here, because I still cant stand getting blinded by the mid 2014 style one


Nice update, been seeing alot of updates today at May,11th


Yes this is a great update will be very useful

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I love it! But what is this Creator Dashboard? I have never heard of it, what is it for?



They’re trying to replace the old Develop page with it instead!

It’s still very much in progress though.
(dark mode and mobile support included)


This isn’t exactly like the post above, but it would be great if you were able to create a badge from Roblox Studio instead of having to go to a web browser.


Looks like they’re just porting front-end features from Develop page to Creator Dashboard. Wouldn’t expect any back-end features like this as part of these migrations.

Best to bump that feature request or support it with a Like so they know it’s important.


I love all the new badge updates and I can’t wait to use this in all of my experiences!

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Great Update!

I feel as if everything is being transfered over from the game to creator studio.

I hope they add more things for developers to access on there!

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Cool feature! Though it would be better if you guys would just make it so that you can create badges straight from Studio since this update doesn’t pretty much help with the situation where every time we wanna create a badge we got to go to our web browser, create the badge, go back in Studio.

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ye that sound really cool but aren’t you going to fix the translate system? I can’t not translate Eng into some wonderful words in my country


Can you literally make people with perms can make badges in group and not only the owner?

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