I’m recently working on a Owned Badge GUI which shows all the badges you own from my game. I have one thing that i really want to know how to do but i don’t know how or if it’s possible.
So basically i have ImageLabel and i want them to be the icon of the badge. Is there a way i could get the ImageLabel to show the badge’s icon without reuploading the icons on the Roblox page?
You have BadgeService. I do not think theres other way than creating an object with all badges ids, loop though it and do BadgeService:GetBadgeInfoAsync(ID). It returns image iirc.
Developer forum is not place to ask for ready code, but i can give you some example…
local badges = {123456789} -- it contains ids of all badges
local BadgeService = game:GetService("BadgeService")
for i, v in pairs(badges) do
-- You need to check if user has badge here too, or what ever you want to do
print(BadgeService:GetBadgeInfoAsync(v).IconImageId) -- returns image id
local imageLabel = script.Parent
local badgeService = game:GetService("BadgeService")
local getBadgeInfoAsync = badgeService.GetBadgeInfoAsync
local badgeId = 0 --Change to ID of badge.
local function getBadgeImage(badgeId, maxTries)
maxTries = maxTries or 5
if maxTries == 0 then return end
maxTries -= 1
local success, result = pcall(getBadgeInfoAsync, badgeService, badgeId)
if success then
if result then
return result.IconImageId
getBadgeImage(badgeId, maxTries)
local badgeImageId = getBadgeImage(badgeId)
if badgeImageId then
imageLabel.Image = "rbxassetid://"..badgeImageId
Depends if you want to check one or more badges, if you’re working with multiple badges then you’d just need to call the function for each badge ID.
On a side note, you should wrap API calls in pcall() as they are prone to errors, i.e; if the BadgeService is down/the client’s connection disconnects.