Badge image not working

Hello. I am currently facing an issue where I cannot seem to upload an image icon for my badge. These are the images I intended to use:
RobloxScreenShot20210404_195718355 (1) RobloxScreenShot20210404_195718355
One of them is 150 x 150 pixels, whereas the other one is 500 x 500. However, when I upload the icon, the icon turns out to use the default icon (with the checklist and hourglass.)

I have tried to use different sizes for my badges, but nothing seems to work. I have checked the Roblox tutorial, but nothing seems to solve the issue. Is this a bug with the Roblox software?


Actually, I just found out that the badge image is accessible through all my other computers. The one I use for studio is just weak. No need to reply to this topic.


Put it as a solution, It happens that it is your computer