Badge not Given with Dialog

A Badge is suppose to be given to the user when they select the correct dialog, but it doesn’t work. I’ve tested this on an alt to see if it would give it with no luck.


Do you have FE on? iirc if you do, you have to get their response client side and then fire a server side event.

While that should in deed be the souloution that I’ve seemed to overlook the changes I’ve implemented do not result of any action detected by the local script, verified by checking with Print statements…

Can anyone else verify if they are having a similar problem? Thanks!


I’m really tired but it looks like you’re comparing a string to an object, so that way it would never initiate.


Using choice.Name which returns a String…
Honestly I got a pm on robloxfrom some dude who saw this forum agreeing that it may be a bug.

They weren’t referring to this:

They were referring to this:

From what it looks like, you’re accessing this object:

These, of course, would never be equal.

Just a side note, if there were a bug with AwardBadge then a lot more people would be talking about it.


My Dialogs works just fine,

Test it here Comedian Life 🎤🤡 - Roblox

you can just do

if Choice == script.Parent:WaitForChild(‘Greetings’):WaitForChild(‘Badge Choice’) then
– Give Badge

Arg[1] is the Player Obj
Arg[2] is the DialogChioce Obj

and if your game is FE then it won’t work, because Dialogs work locally, not sure why that’s not documented tho :confused:

just change the script to a LocalScript and Fire a RemoteEvent to award the Badge

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Yeah I made the change for it yesterday and didn’t seem to be picking it up. I’ll take a look again when I get home. Thanks for the help everyone.

As cloakedyoshi and Extuls mentioned, you should do this:

if choice.Name == "Badge Choice" then

This was already changed with yesterday with no luck.

Here’s what I’ve got with no luck


Try putting the LocalScript in the PlayerGui? Do the name check statement there, if it’s right fire the server, then read it serverside and award the badge.

quick edit: i’ve been doing it like this and it works. not sure if this is the 100% proper way but i at least know it works this way.

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