Badge rarity showing 0.0% (Impossible) on everything

Only started noticing this bug a couple days ago, but it seems like the badge rarity for all the games on Roblox show 0% when the badge has been rewarded in the past day.
Confirmed this with a friend and tested it on another computer and it still shows 0% on the Roblox Browser Website.
Edit: Using the latest version of Google Chrome Browser, but I also tested this on the Roblox Windows Store app and the bug appears there as well.


I can reproduce this on Firefox Nightly 123.0a1, with this error in the console:
It seems to be related.

Edit: added a traceback. The error happens in the file serverListEntry.jsx.


I don’t think the error is related. The backend API is returning 0 for all winRatePercentage values of every badge right now, so it’s a backend issue rather than a frontend issue.

That react error looks like is from using the useState hook inside the if condition, which is breaking a rule of React hooks, but it’s apparently related to the private server tab, not badges.

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Thanks for reporting. We are looking into this.


The issue is resolved now. Please reply here if you still see any issues!


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