Badges should be per-universe instead of per-place

Its a bit crazy what I have to do in order to include badges as part of my game’s universe update.
I have to either record the badges a player earns via DataStores and award them when they return to the place, or I have to put badges on all the games and make sure duplicates aren’t shown.

Pls don’t make me do this. Think of the children :open_mouth:

External Media

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Yer this definitely needs to be added.

I agree, because It makes everything easier! :DDD

bumping up because children

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And additionally, be able to call PromptProductPurchase outside the place it’s assigned too. They should be universe specific.

Isn’t this already Universe specific?

Isn’t this already Universe specific?[/quote]

Nope. You can’t call PromptProductPurchase if the product isn’t made for the same place.

Bump B)

I remember bringing this up a while ago, John said he agreed. Of course, he’s not really part of ROBLOX anymore- what’s happened to this?

Be warned, Becky warned me no useless bumping.

It’s odd that this isn’t already implemented - datastores are shared across places, but it baffles me as to why dev products/badges aren’t - very annoying to say the least :confused:

I agree. It would be so much easier if everything was per universe.

I did say no bumping.

Yup. I need to read up on the rules more often.

Oh, this wasn’t already possible?

You mean to tell me that I have to do extra work to follow the plans for my next game?