BadgeService ignoring requests to award badge

I wrote a server script that awards badges and it wasn’t working for some reason. I’ve been testing for about an hour and I even went to dev console (in the game server) and ran the following:


(32201999 is my userid, 2124698878 is the badge id)

The command went through just fine, with no errors. However, no badge notification showed up in-game and the badge isn’t in my inventory.

What’s also weird is the badges are not showing up on the game’s page. Has anyone experienced this before? If so, please let me know what you did to resolve it.

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The roblox inventory is stuck, and when you earn badges it does not place them in the inventory. And another thing, the badge must be in the game where you put the script, otherwise it doesn’t work.

What does this mean? Badges are displayed in inventory, no?

The badge is being awarded in the same game it was created on.

Yesterday, I won the level 60 badge in arsenal, the poster appeared to me that I won it, but when I looked at my inventory there was nothing.

This is due to an inventory error on the roblox website.

Is there a bug report about this you can link me to or has it not been reported yet?

Here, Players inventories don't seem to be appearing correctly

That’s a resolved bug, seems like it’s about something entirely different also.

I’ll make a bug report and link it here when complete.

Look, I have 20,000 badges in my profile, and when I look for the pages, I only have 4.

For some users it happened in another way, generally it was in badges.

The issue about badges on profiles were addressed in this thread – it’s going to be fixed soon according to Staff

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Honestly it does seem like Roblox is trying to deprecate badges in a way. I don’t see anything specifically wrong with that given their limits, but yeah.