BadgesPlus - Free & easy badge awarding!

Hello everyone!

I’m here today to announce a very small, yet useful module for new / beginner scripters. This module allows you to grant badges to players with ease, getting information of badges (such as names or icon id), and checking if player has a specific badge.

If you know what you’re doing, here is the link to module.

What’s BadgesPlus?

BadgesPlus is a brand new useful module, that has 3 main functions;

  • Checking if player has badge (returns true or false)
  • Giving badge to player (returns true or false)
  • Checking info of a badge (returns info or error)

How to setup?

  1. Get the model here
  1. Install the module into “ReplicatedStorage” [for client and server accessibility)
  1. Require the module using require("") ← replace with path


local module = require("Path to this module") --> ... replace with actual path

module.playerHasBadge(player, badgeId, output) --> ... returns true or false
module.awardBadge(player, badgeId, output) --> ... returns true or false
module.getBadgeInfo(badgeId, output) --> ... returns info or error

The ‘playerHasBadge’ function checks if the player has a badge with the specified arguments (player = player, badgeId = the badgeId, and output being a boolean, and if set to true it will print the result (being success)

The ‘awardBadge’ function gives a badge to a player. Same arguments as ‘playerHasBadge’ function.

The ‘getBadgeInfo’ function gets info of a badge such as description, icon Id, and name of the badge. Same arguments as ‘awardBadge’ minus the player argument.

player → PlayerObject — e.g required ; game.Players.JavyDev
badgeId → number — e.g required ; 123456789
output → boolean — … optional ; e.g true

v1.0 → Probably won’t be updated.


Please note that this is the most simplest way you could do it, and it’s in a module → so it won’t run if it isn’t required.

Any issues, please report them here, or contact me on Roblox.

Example usage

	-- Welcome badge giver using BadgesPlus
		local hasBadge = module.playerHasBadge(p, badgeId)
		if not hasBadge then
			module.awardBadge(p, badgeId) --> ... returns true or false (true meaning success)
			--> already has badge!

The name made me think that ForeverHD dropped another module for Nanoblox, but it isn’t another Nanoblox module, so It would’ve been better if you changed the name

though I do recommend adding better documentation :confused:

Hey there! Thanks for the feedback. :slight_smile:

Is there any specific things you want changed on the documentation? Or is it the way it is written?

I can agree with the ForeverHD reference, and I’ll be sure to replace the name with something else! Thanks :pray:

Edit: Updated documentation a little.

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how about moonwave support though???

what benefit does this serve over just using badgeservice and some print statements?

It was created for beginner programmers that want an easy tool for giving badges. As it does everything for you already you can just use 1 single line of code to give a badge rather than like 6 for example (if you use protected calls for error handling).

When I create bigger resources than this little module, I’ll definitely use MoonWave to create a better documentation! :grinning: