Notice how error ‘exception while signaling: bad_weak_prt’ outputs in massive numbers for an unknown reason; other developer experiences studio quitting itself upon launching the place…
Does anyone have ever had this in their places before?
If so, how were you able to fix it/or does the bug still persist?
Have you tried to re-install Studio? Other than that, this looks like a problem only Roblox can solve. If you have access, you can try making a bug report in #bug-reports:studio-bugs, or attempt to report one through Support.
“bad_weak_ptr” is an error in the C languages (C, C#, C++), the programming language Roblox’s client and Studio is written in, I doubt any plugins caused this.
“bad_weak_prt” is a C++ only error, maybe your computer doing this error? Well, you can try to hard delete Roblox Studio, deleting all folders of Roblox Studio and install again (because Roblox Studio keeps some files even uninstalled) or, some admin help you
This is a native C++ error, either you have some libraries corrupt or something went wrong to the place, you said it only happens to a place right? Try testing in a empty baseplate. If bug persists then contact @Bug-Support with the same format as #bug-reports:studio-bugs. (Make sure to include the placeid and logs when doing so)