Version 3 Pre-release (To-do, unpublished)
New features and changes
[+] Levels and EXPs
You can earn EXPs from
- Wandering around the map
- Making and completing orders
- Ordering drinks and drinking
- Ordering foods and eating
- Completing achievements
- Cleaning the bakery
Unlock items as you level up (For future update)
- Unlock boxes
- Unlock new furniture
There are 100 levels
[+] Daily reward changes
- Rewards are separated to two different categories
- Weekly streak rewards
- Special rewards, VIP, events etc
- You can earn BakerPoints, Muffins, EXP from rewards now
[+] General backend improvements
- Moderation Framework V1
- Commands: Ban, Kick, Mute, Unban, Unmute
- Warnings
- Data restore commands for Admins
- Live server control via discord
- Banning and unbanning players from discord for moderators
- Shutting down, Restarting and updating servers from discord for corporate
- Restoring player data from discord
- … More cool stuff for corporate to mess with
[+] More food recipes
- Special food recipes
[+] Chat tags
- Chat tag for displaying your rank or achievement (not actual achievements)
- Beta Tester
- Developer
- Corporate
- You can configure them in Settings
[+] You’ll be removed from work if you stay outside of your workplace for too long
[+] Removed music player, It will be replaced with another tab in the future
Version 3 Pre-Release Countdown
Version 3 will be accessible for Moderator and Management+ after 20 September 2020 20:00:00 EST even if you’re not a beta tester. Countdown will begin on 20 September 2020 23:59:00 EST
You will be redirected to the actual game or Version 3 after the countdown ends, beta testers can choose to stay for the countdown or redirect to Version 3.
Beta testers will receive a special Chat Tag, you can change them in Settings
Everything included in this changelog will be available on Pre-Release
This changelog is not final.
Everything here is subject to change or postpone