General Introduction
As you all know, with the upcoming release of V3, Bakiez is going to be expanding massively. With our new version, we will be releasing a number of new features and roles and activities for everyone including just mere community members/customers. One of these things is Bakiezville and Bakiezville City Council and Bakiezville Mayor/Deputy Mayor.
What is Bakiezville?
In case you don’t know, Bakiezville is the town that Bakiez Bakery V3 is built in. Bakiezville will consist of a number of shops/public buildings including(but not limited to):
- Pet store
- Clothing mall (where Bakiez Merch will be sold and where community members will have the chance to sell their own clothing in)
- Austins Ice Cream Shop
- Deilghtful Beach
- Voulge Park
- zzaruhSquare (where seasonal events will be held)
- The Bakiez Village (a small suburban neighborhood where you’ll be able to purchase housing)
In Bakiezville you’ll be able to do numerous activities not just work all day. So again, we’re very excited for that!
Bakiezville City Hall
Bakiezville City Hall will be overseen by the Bakiezville Oversight committee. This committee will consist of top officials apart from the community and possibly loyal Bakiez veterans. City hall will be led and directed by the Mayor and co-run by the Deputy Mayor, selected by the Deputy Mayor. City Council members will carry out any orders given by the Mayor/Deputy Mayor and will vote on itinerary. Council staff will basically be chosen by elected officials of City Hall and aid them.
A more in-depth guide regarding the role of each rank and the responsibilities of Mayor/Deputy Mayor and City Hall will be made prior to the commencement of Mayoral Elections.
How will elections work?
For the first election, on election night you will be voting for both Mayor and City Council members. The Mayor and their chosen Deputy Mayor will be in office for a total of 2 months before the end of their first term in office and the commencement of another election. Mayor elections will take place every two months at the end of the second month.
City Council Members will be in office for one month and elections will take place and the end of every month.
The Mayor will only be able to serve a total of 3 terms while City Council members will be able to serve an unlimited number of terms. This means that if you were to run for mayor for the first time and win, you will be able to run again 2 more times. After your 3rd term in office, you will not be able to run for Mayor again. In addition, say you run again after your first term and loose re-election, you will not be able to run for Mayor again despite only serving one term.
For City Council, each citizen of Bakiezville will have a total of 5 votes since there will be a total of 5 City Council members.
Citizens of Bakiezville will be able to cast their votes at LaBoglis Community Center. There, Citizens will not only be able to cast their votes, but also see the votes live. It is currently in construction and will be revealed prior to election night.
Who will be able to run for Mayor/City Council and what are the qualifications?
As of now, all ranks will be able to run for Mayor and City Council. However, those who currently have a position, whether it be in the Moderation Team or in the Management team, will not be able to hold those positions during their tenure in office as Mayor/Deputy Mayor/City Council member and will be forced to resign. If they wish to re-obtain their position after their time in office, they may be allowed to do depending on what the Chief Staff Officer or Chief Moderation Officer says.
Qualifications for running:
- Must be an active member within the community
- Must have a 100% track record and good/reputable history within the community
- Must be a citizen of Bakiezville
- Must be a member of the Bakiez Community for at least 3 months
The only qualification for those who wish to take part in voting is that they must be a Citizen of Bakiezville:!/about
When will registration take place?
If you wish to run for office, you will have to fill out the registration form. This form will be announced when elections are getting ready to commence. Registration will last for one week before closing. As soon as they close, campaigning begins. Campaigning will take place for 2 weeks before the election night. Election night will be held on Mondays.
Those planning on running for Mayor will need to start looking for who they will be running with. (their running mate (Deputy Mayor))
Official rules regarding campaigning will be sent out to all official candidates running for office.
Official candidates running for office will be chosen by the Oversight Committee and announced prior to the commencement of campaigning.
Any and all dates for elections, campaigning, etc. will be announced by the Oversight Committee in advance. In addition, everything regarding elections, campaigning, and Bakiezville will be organized via the Bakiezville City Hall trello.
In conclusion, this is only the beginning of the many things V3 will bring to the community. Great and exciting things are ahead.
If you happen to have any questions, direct them to a member of the Senior Management Team and they will then forward them to me.
Good luck to all wishing to run for office!