Official thread for all updates regarding Ball Blast. Most recent updates are added at the top of the list.
Play the game here!
v1.6.15 2024-01-10T06:00:00Z
- Fixed issue where balls would get stuck in the cannons
v1.6.14 2022-10-21T05:00:00Z
- Completely removed all Rthro, Layered Clothing, & Packages from the game to keep them from overriding team uniforms as well as standardized all character sizes
- Nerfed Sniper headshot damage from 300 to 120
- Increased Battle Axe health buff from 70 to 100
- Added 5 extra ammo to the Assault Rifle
- Removed the 5 health debuff from the Machine Pistol
- Added 5 extra ammo to the Machine Pistol
v1.6.13 2019-05-13T05:00:00Z
- Fixed bug caused by Roblox where you would spawn on the roof.
v1.6.12 (2019-05-04T05:00:00Z)
- Added new achievement, Renegade Creation. To obtain it, kill Stormcell.
- Fixed Grenades not being able to damage if the thrower was killed
- Added UI to spectate feature to make it easier to see names
- Nerfed sniper’s health modifier (was -15) to -30
- Nerfed sniper’s body damage (was 90) to 70
- Fixed Incinerate & Freeze Kill Effects.
- Added /spec servermessage tip
- Added !list servermsg tip
v1.6.11 (2019-04-19T05:00:00Z)
New Secondary Weapon, the Grenade!!
The Grenade has a 5 second cooldown, deals 100 damage nearest the epicenter of the blast, and scales down to 50 damage the farther the target is away from it. After pulling the pin, the Grenade will blow up 5 seconds later regardless of whether you’ve already thrown it or not. Hold down left mouse to keep the live grenade in your hand. The grenade also deals 1/2 damage to the person who threw it, meaning it’s effective for grenade jumping!
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed bug where assists would not show up on the Kill Feed
- Fixed bug where your reticle would stay the same as your last selected weapon on respawn.
- Fixed bug where the equipped tool indicator in the backpack would not clear out when editing your loadout.
- Server Messages will be less spammy.
Map Revamps
Scottish Highlands
- Made hitbox for clothes line on Red Team’s side thicker
- Added more cover to Red Team’s side on Village entrance
- Added Ball Troughs to Red Team’s side on Village entrance
- Extended Dungeon and added pathway to upper Castle. Also added scenery outside dunegon window.
- Added and removed some cover on Red Team’s side at Castle entrance
- Edited map barriers so that players can stand on the castle towers.
- Plus more!
Japanese Mountains
- Added Ball Troughs to Mountain and Village sides.
- Added fences in front of castles going toward Village side to help balls stay on track
- Added pillar under bridge on Mountain side
- And more!
Italian Waterways
- Added elevators to all of the sewer entrance manholes
v1.5.10 (2018-12-24T06:00:00Z)
Added the Beta Pass! This is the game’s first gamepass. It will only be available for the remainder of the Beta period, and gives the following benefits:
- [Beta] Chat Tag (Equip it in your desired Tag Slot in Settings.)
- Special name color on the Scoreboard
- Beta Uniform
- Access to the QuickStat UI (Shows live counter for Kills, Balls Sunk, Health Healed, Total Score, your current placement on both your server and entire server, Ping, and FPS).
- Access to 3 Loadout Presets. You can customize these presets with combinations of tools and cosmetics you own so that you can swap between them quicker.
- Access to the QuickSwap feature for Loadout Presets. This allows you to switch between presets you’ve made without having to go to your Inventory, as they are all displayed below the Menu Wheel.
- Added snow and Christmas decorations to the spawn castles and all maps! :3
v1.4.9 (2018-12-15T06:00:00Z)
- Added new Intermission UI.
- You must now be in spawn to spectate other players. (Mods can bypass this)
- Fixed unresponsive chat tag changing.
- Lowered volume for countdown and air horn audios.
- Added feedback for when you punch the wrong ball into your cannon in Teamball.
- Raised responsibility threshold on punching balls from 6 seconds to 10.
- You no longer get credit for punching a ball while it’s being sucked into a cannon.
- Backpack now shows which tools you have selected.
- Reticle now disappears when you deselect all your tools instead of staying on the reticle of the tool you had selected.
- Fixed bug where the pistol’s reload animation wouldn’t stop if the reload was cancelled.
- Changed what is considered critical health from 25% health remaining to 33%.
- Fixed bug that would allow you to shoot players while spectating them.
v1.4.8 (2018-11-23T06:00:00Z)
Added Global Leaderboards! In each spawn, there is now a leaderboard that cycles through displaying the top 100 players for 4 different categories, Highest Score, Most Balls, Most Kills, and Most Healing! Your name on the leaderboard will be highlighted in green to make it easier to find yourself. If you don’t see yourself on the leaderboard and you should be, wait for ~10 minutes in the server as that is around how long it takes for the leaderboard to update all the values for everyone in the server.
Moved Red Wins, Blue Wins, and Tie messages farther up on the screen so it’s not in the way.
Your name on the scoreboard (Tab) is now highlighted with a yellow border to make it easier to find yourself.
v1.3.7 (2018-11-10T06:00:00Z)
Added new gamemode, Highest Score! In this gamemode, 3 new types of balls spawn. Each ball is worth a different amount of points for your team and gives you a different amount of score. The more rare the type of ball, the more points and score it gives.
-Bronze Ball = (1 Point for your team, 100 Score for you)
-Silver Ball = (2 Points for your team, 200 Score for you)
-Gold Ball = (3 Points for your team, 300 Score for you) -
New chat commands!
/spectate PLAYERNAME (or /spec PLAYERNAME) allows you to spectate other players. Capitalization doesn’t matter and the command accepts partial names, meaning if you wanted to spectate me you could say “/spec storm”
/stats allows you to view your all time CareerStats, meaning this command will display the total number of Balls Sunk, Kills, Health Healed, and Score you’ve accumulated since the first time you ever played the game!
- [YouTuber] and [Twitch] Chat Tags added.
- At the end of a round, only people who were outside their spawn/changed teams will be respawned.
- Fixed Windmill hitbox on Scottish Highlands.
- Fixed bug where balls from previous round wouldn’t be cleaned up.
- Players inside spawn can no longer damage players who are outside of spawn.
- Fixed out of bounds glitch on Japanese Mountains
- Your name bar on the Scoreboard is now darkened to help you find yourself easier.
- Scoreboard no longer cuts off long usernames.
- Menu icon now stays visible and updates itself when you open the menu.
v1.2.6 (???)
- Fixed Chat bug
v1.2.5 (2018-10-25T05:00:00Z)
- Lowered prices of all cosmetic items in the shop
- Fixed typos in shop
- Cleaned up some things internally.
v1.2.4 (2018-10-21T05:00:00Z)
- Added new Secondary, the Machine Pistol! 10 Base Dmg, 15 Head Dmg. 25 rounds per clip! -5 Health to character stats.
- Disabled Risky Procedure Achievement until I fix it.
- Patched issue where you could shoot outside of your spawn through the windows above the spawn doors.
- Patched exploit where exploiters could teleport everyone inside the cannon.
- Fixed various typos
- 6+ internal bugs fixed
v1.1.3 (2018-10-15T05:00:00Z)
- Added Auto-Reload
- New Map Loading function! You should notice increased speed in map loading.
- Cut out around 2,000+ parts on Japanese Mountains
- Distributor of Salt achievement fixed.
- Pistol nerfed. Firerate went from .05 to .09, BaseDamage from 15 to 12, and HeadDamage from 25 to 18.
- Spawn Zones are now accurate
- Upgrade button for items changed to “Track” button to more accurately convey what it does.
- Fixed typos in Shop, Inventory, and in one of the server’s periodic messages.
- Added empty hammer click sound to all guns
- Lowered shotgun sound
- Medkits healing changed from 100 to 500
- Removed chat commands pertaining to Alpha versions.
- Better internal tools for moderators
- Cleaned up console a bit
- Patch for “godmode” exploit. (More anti-exploit to come)
v1.1.2 (2018-10-08T05:00:00Z)
- Added new Primary weapon, the Shotgun!
- Pistol made more accurate. (Body damage 10 to 15, Head damage 15 to 25)
- Buffed BattleAxe (Health mod 50 to 70, Swing damage 50 to 70
- Sniper health mod changed from -10 to -15
- Updated sounds for guns
- Fixed bug where your guns accuracy would not stabilize after death
- Fixed speed glitch with Boxing Gloves
- Fixed bug where all your tools would break
- Small security improvements (more to come)
- Added kill feed icon for the Pistol (no more Player1 ? Player2)
v.1.0.1 (2018-10-02T05:00:00Z)
- Fixed issue where you wouldn’t get marbles after each rounud
- Fixed getting stuck in ADS and Scope when killed in either of those modes
- Weapons are properly refreshed when you respawn, meaning they spawn at full ammo.
- Fixed health bar scaling.
v.1.0.0 (2018-10-02T05:00:00Z)
- Changed camera mode to a shoulder locked third person system
- Updated the way bullet spread works. It now starts off at a base accuracy and looses accuracy with each shot.
- Weapons no longer automatically reload themselves, you have to manually reload them.
- You no longer limited to 1 weapon at a time, but rather have 3 slots in your backpack to customize your loadout with. The first being your Primary Weapon, the second your Secondary Weapon, and the third your Melee.
- Replaced side menu with new Menu Wheel to account for the shoulder locked camera. (Access the Menu Wheel by pressing (default) F).
- Boxing gloves can now be charged up by clicking and holding. Release to punch a ball. The more you charge the farther and faster the ball will fly.
- BattleAxe now swings from side to side instead of up and down, making it far easier to control.
- Trophies renamed to Achievements
- Discontinued a few achievements (A few of them will return when the new system allows for them to be implemented securely)
- You can now Aim Down Sights (ADS) with all guns and if the gun has a scope, you will enter scoped mode.
- You can now switch which shoulder you’re looking over with the new camera system ((Default) Q)
- Weapons now have animations for all actions.
- You can now adjust not only your scope sensitivity, but also your general camera sensitivity and your ADS sensitivity.
- Discontinued the ability to get the [Alpha] tag. Those who have it will have it until earth’s end, but no one else will ever be able to get it.
- Increased responsibility time for punching balls, meaning you will now get credit for more balls you help to sink even if someone else got the final punch.
- Innaccuracy in ball trajectory fixed, balls now go exactly where the indicator shows.
- In intermission you no longer get respawned when you climb too far up in the base.
Alpha v.1.5.5
Improved scoreboard!
The scoreboard now has an entirely new, cleaner design. All the old bugs of the previous one are fixed. The new one shows the score and ping of every player in the game. It also sorts out players depending on what team they’re on. Players with the highest score will appear at the top of the player list for their team, and those with the lowest score appear at the bottom. Ping is updated every 10 seconds and is measured in milliseconds. You can access the scoreboard any time you want by pressing Tab.
For those of you who don’t know, Ping is the time it takes for the server to send a signal to the client (player) and the player to respond. So the higher the ping, the more laggy the player is.
Alpha v.1.5.4
- Added Kill Assists! You now get score when a player is killed based on how much damage you recently did to that player.
Added Kill Feed!
The Kill Feed shows who killed who, if there was anyone assisting the kill, what team each player is on, and what the victim was killed with. There are custom kill icons for every method of killing a player. Players who assist in kills are listed after the player who killed the victim, and the kill icon will reflect the weapon that gave the victim their final blow.
Alpha v.1.4.4
- Attempted to fix the game freezing
- Healing players now gives score equal to how much health you’re healing
- Players who join new servers cannot join old servers. This is to protect new types of data from new features from being overwritten by servers that didn’t have that feature.
Trophies act identical to Achievements in most games. You can track them in the Trophies menu that you can find on the left side of the screen while in game. The Trophies menu has a built in filter that allows you to choose which Trophies are currently shown in the menu. You can sort by Completed, Uncomplete, Easy, Intermediate, Hard, General, AssaultRifle, Sniper, BattleAxe, and Medistaff. You can also use multiple filters at once. You also get a Badge for every Trophy you get!
Alpha v.1.3.3
- Attempted to fix game crash
- First To gamemode disabled, it was extremely similar to Most Balls, pretty much just a shortened version of it.
- Cannonfire is now handled on the client, meaning you can more consistently cannon jump (stand in front of the cannon when it goes off) to reach the other side of the map.
TeamBall has been added to Ball Blast as a new gamemode. In TeamBall, you can only score with balls of your team’s color. Whoever has the most balls sunk at the end of 5 minutes wins.
Alpha v.1.2.2
- Made Windmill on Scottish Highlands smoother, should no longer be choppy
- Improved the stat display in Shop and Inventory, it actually tells you useful information about weapons now
- Reduced BattleAxe cooldown from 7 to 5, and raised BattleAxe health to 90. Let the Battleaxe users rejoice!
- People who donate to the game will receive a [Supporter] tag. Equip it in your Settings.
- Players with body packages that cover up uniforms will have their packages removed so that everyone can see the team they’re on.
- If you’re outside of spawn when you’re not supposed to be, you get reset.
Pocket your friends with the new Medistaff!
The Medistaff is the first support item in the game. Click on your teammate and hold your left mouse button down to give them a constant stream of healing. Once you’ve locked on to them, you no longer need to keep your cursor on them or even be looking at them. The healing stream will break if you are 40 units away from your patient (for scale, the standard roblox character is 5 units tall, toe to top of head) or if something is obstructing the path between your character and that of your patient for 1 second. The Medistaff heals at a rate of 30 health per second. This rate is subject to change. You earn 1 score for every health point you heal as well. You cannot stack the healing effects on one player, even if you have two medics. They will still be healed at the rate of one medic.
Alpha v.1.1.1
- Assault Rifle is now 60% more accurate!
- Increased Assault Rifle base damage from 9 to 12.
- Increased Assault Rifle headshot damage from 15 to 20.
- Decreased Battleaxe health from 90 to 75. This means that snipers can 1 shot them.
Welcome to the Japanese Mountains!
Pack your bags and get ready to travel to Japan. This is the first map that features map hazards. If you fall off into the water below you will die, and if balls fall down they are respawned. Also the Ball Drops for this map are two twin dragons who will roll balls down their back and spit them into the field.
Alpha v1.0.1
- Added !broken command. Use when the game stalls (when the timer stops, balls don’t count toward score, etc.) to get an error code. Send this error code to Stormcell to help fix the problem.
- Moderators can now use the !reset command, which will reset the current round.
- Teams automatically get balanced after each round
- Balanced “First to” gamemode, added 2 minutes to the timer and reduced the Ball requirement by 10.
- Increased score awarded for sinking Balls from 100 to 300.
- Increased amount of Balls that spawn on the field. (was 8, now 10)
- Fixed team uniforms not showing up for some players
- Fixed bug where players who wore no pants would get a healing effect.
- Fixed trails not working at all for some players
- Fixed bug where balls fired out of the cannon would never go away
- Fixed bug that could have caused lag and aiming issues for some players
- Internal cleanup
Alpha v1.0.0
- Released game in Alpha, paid access at 25R$.