I’m currently working on a golf game, however I am experiencing an issue where the ball just goes on for way too long. I tried giving both the ball and the baseplate friction, however it seems not to work. I also made the ball denser to no avail. I am using a BodyThrust to push the part and then deleting that BodyThrust in order to give the ball a boost. Any suggestions?
local playerBall = workspace:FindFirstChild('IgnoreParts'):FindFirstChild(player.Name)
local humanoidRootPart = playerBall:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart')
local bodyVelocity = Instance.new('BodyThrust', humanoidRootPart)
bodyVelocity.Force = Vector3.new(0, 0, -force * 100)
Hello there, not sure if I can help in your case but knowing the custom physical properties seem to have no effect on it, what I suggest is that you add some transparent parts to serves as ramps or stoppers to slow it down a tad bit or perhaps changing its properties to massless. Hope this helps somehow, I’m no expert.
Sure! Let me make one quickly. Even with this super low force, the ball seems to roll for sooo long. Added the script to the OP.
How would I go about doing that? Sorry, I am not the best with physics or body movers haha. I added it but I’m not too sure how much would be too low or too high. I tried 200 but that seems to move the ball by itself.