Ball rolling for too long


I’m currently working on a golf game, however I am experiencing an issue where the ball just goes on for way too long. I tried giving both the ball and the baseplate friction, however it seems not to work. I also made the ball denser to no avail. I am using a BodyThrust to push the part and then deleting that BodyThrust in order to give the ball a boost. Any suggestions?


    local playerBall = workspace:FindFirstChild('IgnoreParts'):FindFirstChild(player.Name)
    local humanoidRootPart = playerBall:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart')
    local bodyVelocity ='BodyThrust', humanoidRootPart)
    bodyVelocity.Force =, 0, -force * 100)
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Hello there, not sure if I can help in your case but knowing the custom physical properties seem to have no effect on it, what I suggest is that you add some transparent parts to serves as ramps or stoppers to slow it down a tad bit or perhaps changing its properties to massless. Hope this helps somehow, I’m no expert.

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is it possible to get a video or a look at the code that you are using to move the ball?

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Just add a body gyro with a low max torque to simulate friction.

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Sure! Let me make one quickly. Even with this super low force, the ball seems to roll for sooo long. Added the script to the OP.

How would I go about doing that? Sorry, I am not the best with physics or body movers haha. I added it but I’m not too sure how much would be too low or too high. I tried 200 but that seems to move the ball by itself.