Ball stays stuck in the sky

Hello, I need to make the ball when touching the red square is thrown away, something like a “homeround” how can I do that?



	if part.Name == "Handle" or part.Name == "Ball" then
		print("Touched by the Handle or Ball")
		local debris = game:GetService("Debris")
		local ball = game.StarterPack.Ball.Handle
		local bodyVelocity ="BodyVelocity",ball) --create a body velocity and parent it to the ball
		bodyVelocity.MaxForce =,math.huge,math.huge) -- Determines the limit on how much force that may be applied to each axis
		bodyVelocity.P = 1000 -- Determines how aggressive of a force is applied in reaching the goal velocity
		bodyVelocity.Velocity = ball.CFrame.lookVector * 100 +,50,0) -- make the goal of the velocity 100 studs out from where the ball is looking and up 50 studs.
		debris:AddItem(bodyVelocity, 0.5) -- deletes the bodyVelocity after 0.5 seconds. You can adjust this value and the other values above to your liking

I suggest making the MaxForce something like shown below and testing it again.,40000,40000) 

i need to do something like that → when the ball touches the red box I want it to be pushed (the ball) like the red line that marks you