I’ve been using BDFD | Bot Designer For Discord already for 2 years and one time I have seen a video on how to make a Roblox verification system via HTTP request. And after I have learnt a bit more about HTTP requests and how do they work. I tried to make a Ban system which bans Roblox player from game via user-restriction request , I generated the API key and then made a code on BDFD app which was on my opinion not so hard.
It should work like this:
Person types !blacklist (username) (reason) command.
Then bot sends an embed that person can confirm the ban and after bot sends a HTTP Request to ban
But I’m still keep getting an error from HTTP request result and I don’t understand what have I made wrong with it…
{ "code": "PERMISSION_DENIED", "message": "Scope not authorized." }
HTTP Body:
"gameJoinRestriction": {
"active": true,
"displayReason": "$getUserVar[Reason]",
"excludeAltAccounts": true
HTTP Headers: