Ban async "Alts banned?" says no, but the script set to true. Help!

Hi. I’m currently testing out the new BanAsync() API. It’s working fine, but when I’m banning someone, it says that “Alts banned?” set to no, but I put true in the script. Here’s how the script looks like:

	UserIds = {UserId},
	ApplyToUniverse = true,
	Duration = tonumber(Time),
	DisplayReason = Reason,
	PrivateReason = Reason,
	ExcludeAltAccounts = true,



Exclude alt accounts means that alts won’t be affected by the ban. You must set it to false if you want to ban alt accounts as well.

ExcludeAltAccounts (optional; boolean) — When true, Roblox does not attempt to ban alt accounts. Default is false.

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This is correct “Exclude” means to not include. Meaning when you put it to true it “will not include” alt accounts. :blush:

Oh, OK. Let me try this out rn.

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