So, I have created an Admin Panel System and I was trying to create an admin panel ban system. The only part of this is the ban checking script that doesn’t seem to work.
Fixed Code:
local DSS = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local Bans = DSS:GetDataStore("AdminSystems_Ban")
local Banned = {"Aiden_12114"}
return function()
print("Banning Loaded")
while true do
for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
if table.find(Banned, v) then
v:Kick("\n\nAdminSystems Alpha\nYou Are Banned From This Game!")
I’m not sure what’s wrong though… (I Just Learnt for i,v in pairs() do)
About The “Use UserID” Chat.
I am going to implement a use of UserID instead of Username so, please stop talking about it.
local DSS = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local Bans = DSS:GetDataStore("AdminSystems_Ban")
local Banned = {
return function()
print("Banning Loaded")
while true do
for _, v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
if table.find(Banned, v.Name) then
v:Kick("\n\nAdminSystems Alpha\nYou Are Banned From This Game!")
these are called generic loops, the pairs function allows iteration over key-value pairs, the placeholder i or v can be anything you want btw, not just i,v…
if you don’t need the index later on use ipairs, you’re using numerical indices
You also aren’t using the DataStore at all here , you could just keep the table containing the Banned players’ ids and remove the DataStore(?).
Exactly there are games that didn’t do this before, and it let players change their name and get unbanned. It would cost them 1,000R$ to do this, but they would still get unbanned.