Ban Stacking When Violation Category is Updated Via Appeal

One of my accounts has been moderated for 1 Day reason being “Discriminatory Content” due to something I had said being misinterpreted, I sent an appeal using the “Violations & Appeals” tab to hopefully appeal my ban but instead, the violation category was updated and my ban ended up stacking, giving me a 3 Day ban instead of keeping my 1 Day ban


Expected behavior

When appealing via “Violations & Appeals” if the category of the ban is changed once reviewed it should not stack


@Cheesewu Please check this out it possible, thank you.

On another bug report it was reported that the “warning reappears” while it gets reviewed. My guess is after the review is concluded, roblox just hits you with the same punishment reason which stacks your ban

Edit: Nevermind your reason was changed to harassment, if you were banned for harassment before on your account then the next ban would be 3 days instead so this might be intentional

I believe roblox uses a strike system, so if you were banned for harassment before then you would only get a worse ban if you had the same reason again which probably happened here

In short:
You were first banned for discriminatory content which was probably your first offense. But after appealing the moderator decided to change your reason to harassment and since you were banned before for harassment you received a 3 day ban instead probably

This is just my guess what happened

The screenshots i had sent were from the same ban page, that WAS my first ban offense