Banana Express Handbook

Banana Express Handbook
The Handbook includes a variety of important information for both Staff & Customers at Banana Express.

General group information and assistance including interview questions and training guides

Rank Information

This is the rank information for Banana Express. You may read all the job descriptions, or simply just read the one that applies to you.

  • Customer - [LR] As a Customer, you are able to visit the cafe and order refreshments. You are able to apply for a job or continue on to be a premium customer at Banana Express.

  • Premium Customer - [LR] As a Premium Customer, you are a well-known individual on ROBLOX. You can also achieve this rank by being a well-respected member of Banana Express and a frequent customer. It is also given to honoured/retired staff members.

  • Allied Representative - [LR] If you are an Allied Representative, you are representing the group you come from which is allied with Banana Express. You would be required to attend ally events if possible.

  • Trainee - [LR] If you are a Trainee, you passed your application or interview. Congratulations and good luck during your training.

  • Security - [LR] As a Security member, you are to protect Banana Express group places from disturbing players (trollers) or the occasional exploiter. You should maintain professionalism and utilize grammar/punctuation. Ensure day-to-day tasks are completed smoothly and with competence.

  • Barista - [LR] As a Barista, you are tasked with welcoming customers and providing excellent service for the duration of their visit. Ensure day-to-day tasks are completed smoothly and with competence.

  • Head of Security - [MR] You have been promoted, congratulations! You have proven yourself worthy and respectful whilst maintaining professionalism, good job. You have the perfect traits of an MR, you should now use your knowledge wisely to ensure the Cafe is a safe place for everyone. You are to continue to assist with trolls if need-be and remove any player from the server when required too. You can help at sessions and now interview!

  • Head of Barista - [MR] You have been promoted, congratulations! You have proven yourself worthy and respectful whilst maintaining professionalism, good job. You have the perfect traits of an MR, you should now use your knowledge wisely to ensure the Cafe is a safe place for everyone. You are to continue to assist with trolls if need-be and remove any player from the server when required too. You can help at sessions and now interview!

  • Management - [MR] You are a polite, well mannered and respectful staff member of Banana Express. You are dedicated and have shown you are worthy of being able to handle situations correctly. You are able to supervise at sessions and interview/train if necessary.

  • Senior Management - [MR] You are a polite, well mannered and respectful staff member of Banana Express. You are dedicated and have shown you are worthy of being able to handle situations correctly. You are able to supervise at sessions and interview/train if necessary. You have continued to show your professionalism and management. You have stood out amongst the other members of the Management Team, congratulations.

  • Shift Leader - [MR] You have been promoted to the final MR rank, congratulations! You should be extremely proud of what you have achieved. You are an exceptional staff member with great leadership traits and are extremely professional. You are now in charge of all the staff below you when at the cafe. This does not mean you can abuse your power and boss everyone around without a valid reason to do so. You can take control of situations that are not being dealt with appropriately. The Managers and Senior Managers are there to assist you, let them help!

  • Developer - [HR] Develops and assists with the group and its games. Not achievable, only chosen by the President.

  • Chief Staff Officer - [HR] You are to host interview/training(s) and deal with any staffing issues such as abusers. You are in charge of all ranking staff members below you which means keeping up to date with current MRs and their activity: occasionally reminding them to get active or face removal of their rank. (Unless they have an acceptable inactivity notice.) You are allowed to promote/demote people accordingly and appropriately, ensure you log all of your actions.

  • Chief Relations Officer - [HR] You are to oversee the group briefly and ensure day to day operations are flowing as normal. Any issues, report to the Chief Executive Officer(s). You are to host interview/training(s) and deal with any staffing issues such as abusers if the Chief Staff Officer(s) is unavailable at the time. However, staffing is not your main priority. You are to handle Allies and Allied Events. Please consult with the Board of Directors for more information. You are able to promote/demote accordingly and appropriately, ensure you log your actions.

  • Chief Operating Officer - [HR] You are to oversee the group briefly and ensure day to day operations are flowing as normal. Any issues, report to the Chief Executive Officer(s). You are to host interview/training(s) and deal with any staffing issues such as abusers if the Chief Staff Officer(s) is unavailable at the time. You are to deal with any minor issues with the Chief Staff Officer(s) and report to the Chief Executive Officer(s) if needed. They will then take over the situation. You are able to promote/demote accordingly and appropriately, ensure you log your actions.

  • Chief Executive Officer - [SHR] You are to oversee a majority of the group in its day to day functions and report to the Board of Directors at the end of every week and/or if there are any issues that must be reported immediately whether it regards other HRs or a problem within the group. You must host interview/training(s) but not as often as the Chief Staff Officer/Chief Relations Officer/Chief Operating Officer(s) if you don’t want to. You are to handle issues within the HR team accordingly and respectfully. Don’t be excessive if there is no need to be. You are able to promote/demote LRs/MRs accordingly, you may only promote HRs/MRs to HR if given permission from the Board of Directors.

  • Board of Directors - [SHR] You are the elite staffing team of Banana Express. You have proven yourself worthy, respectful, professional and have a great work ethic. You are the overseer of Banana Express. You are to report to the President & Vice President at the end of every week on how the group is doing in terms of activity, promotions, suspensions etc, etc. You are not required to host sessions, so it is up to you if you wish to host or not. You are able to promote HRs/MRs to HR if you have discussed/been given permission to do so by the Presidents. You are able to demote LRs accordingly with valid evidence. You may demote MRs/HRs without reason if it is absolutely necessary to do so for the safety of Banana Express until any problem(s)/concern(s) are resolved. You are in charge of dealing with any ally situation/problem(s), with the assistance of the Chief Relations Officer(s), and complete mandatory checks.

Staff Guidelines

These are the staff rules and guidelines for Banana Express.

All staff requirements:

  • Staff should maintain a professional image throughout all Banana Express group places.
  • Grammar and punctuation should be utilized at all times.
  • Session guides should be used at interview/training sessions, custom guides are not permitted to avoid confusion and to ensure all required information is passed on.

Middle Ranks

  • Respect and abide by the above rules and requirements.
  • Remain active across all group games. You are an important part of Banana Express and it’s daily functions.
  • You must remain mature at all times as you are role models! This doesn’t mean you can’t have fun! You should enjoy your job and the memories that come with it.
  • You must represent Banana Express whenever you are visiting other groups. This means do not troll as you may get recognized and it will not look good for us as a group.

High Ranks

  • Respect and abide by all the above rules and requirements.
  • Ensure ranks below you are also abiding by the rules and requirements.
  • Remain professional at all Banana Express group places, and on visits to other groups/games.
Interview Questions (Head of Security+)

These are the interview questions for interviewers

Interview questions & introduction sentence:

Greetings! I’m [USERNAME] and I’ll be your interviewer for this session. If you do not understand the rules, I can go over them with you. Make sure to utilize grammar and punctuation as it is necessary for the job you are applying for. I wish you the best of luck! Any questions before we begin?

(There is no time limit, take as much time as you need.)

  • I. Why are you applying for a job here at Banana Express?
  • II. What skills do you possess that may be beneficial to Banana Express?
  • III. Why should we hire you?
  • IIII. What would you rate your grammar and punctuation on a scale of 1-10 (I-VV)?
  • V. Will you spend a reasonable amount of time at Banana Express as an employee?
  • VI. Do you have any experience in this type of group? If so, where?

That concludes the questions, please give me a moment to review your answers and come to a decision.

Congratulations! You have passed this interview, please follow me to be ranked.
Unfortunately, you have failed this interview. Don’t be disheartened! You can always attend another session. (You may include the reason for failing the interviewee if you wish.)

Training Guide


Greetings! Welcome to this Banana Express training session, I’m [USERNAME] and I will be your trainer. Please pay attention at all times and only ask questions when given permission to do so. We expect you to not go AFK as it is disrespectful to do so and you may miss important/required information. If you really must go AFK, inform a supervisor. Good luck! Feel free to take notes.

As a Barista, you must take on the responsibility of welcoming customers to the Cafe and ensuring that they feel welcome. You may serve them refreshments. The order limit is 3(III) items per customer. If a customer asks for more than 3(III) items, you are obliged to remind them of the limit.

** Direct the Trainees to look at the Decal on the wall of the hand-to GUI. **

When you are giving a customer their food, you will see a GUI at the side of your screen saying ‘hand-to’. Simply hold the item that you wish to give to the customer, and type their username. Once you have entered their username, press enter. You would have successfully given them their item. You can also refer to the recipe guide in the handbook.

If you come across a troller in your server, make sure to follow the warning procedure that you will soon be informed about. Please pay attention as I inform you of the warning procedure:

In the event that you do come across a troller, make sure to give them 3(III) warnings in which state the warning number, username, and reason. If you do not give a reason, MR/HRs won’t understand the situation when it comes to removal.

When giving warnings, they should look similar to the following:




When given 3(III) warnings, you may request for security to detain them. After that, request for an MR/HR to remove the troller. If there are no MR/HRs in-game, attempt to get assistance on the group wall.

Thank you for listening attentively to the information, it is remarkably appreciated.
Are there any questions or concerns before my helper(s) proceed with your training?


Hello! My name is [USERNAME], I will be your helper for this session. I will begin by asking you 3(III) questions. Then, I will conduct a troll test. Please remember to utilize grammar and punctuation, 3(III) strikes is a fail. Any questions before we start? Good luck.


Choose any 3(III) questions from the suggestions listed below

  • I. What is your job as a Barista?
  • II. What should you do if a customer orders more than 3 items?
  • III. How many warnings should a troller get?
  • IIII. What must you do in the event of an abusive staff member?
  • IIIII. What should you do when a troller gets 3(III) warnings?


(If they pass the test, go over their responses and grammar to come to a conclusion on whether or not they have passed the session. If needed, you may request a Management+ to check, if needed. The Host of the session will overlook the trainee(s) answers when it comes to ranking.



Greetings! Welcome to this Banana Express training session, I’m [USERNAME] and I will be your trainer. Please pay attention at all times and only ask questions when given permission to do so. We expect you to not go AFK as it is disrespectful to do so and you may miss important/required information. If you really must go AFK, inform a supervisor. Good luck! Feel free to take notes.

Security is a very important position. You are to keep the Cafe safe from disturbing players. In the event of a trolling situation, make sure to utilize the warning procedure in which you will be informed about soon. We do not want a troller causing trouble for customers and disrupting employees from doing their job. In the event that you do come across a troller, make sure to give them 3(III) warnings in which state the warning number, username, and reason. If you do not give a reason, MR/HRs won’t understand the situation when it comes to removal.

When giving warnings, they should look similar to the following:




When given 3(III) warnings, you may detain them and request for an MR/HR to remove the troller. If there are no MR/HRs in-game, attempt to get assistance on the group wall.

You’re only given the detain tool for this purpose. If you abuse it in any unnecessary way, it may lead to a demotion/loss of rank. If the troller has been kicked 3(III) times and comes back, get an MR to server ban them if no HR/SHRs are available to pban at that moment in time. If you witness a staff member abusing their detain tool, gather evidence and report them to a High Rank immediately.

Thank you for listening attentively to the information, it is remarkably appreciated.
You will now be shown a detain demonstration.

Are there any questions or concerns before my helper(s) proceed with your training?

Hello! My name is [USERNAME], I will be your helper for this session. I will begin by asking you 3(III) questions. After that, you will make a drink of my choice and hand it to me. Finally, I will conduct a troll test. Please remember to utilize grammar and punctuation, 3(III) strikes is a fail. Any questions before we start? Good luck.


I. What is the purpose of Security?
II. How many warnings should a troller receive?
III. How would you use the detain tool appropriately?
IIII. How many kicks should a troller receive till they are banned?
IIIII. What should you do if you witness a staff member abusing their detain tool?


(If they pass the test, go over their responses and grammar to come to a conclusion on whether or not they have passed the session. If needed, you may request a final check from a Management+ if needed. But, the host of the session will overlook the trainee(s) answers.)

Detain Demonstration


Hello! My name is [USERNAME] and I will be showing you how to use the detain tool competently with the assistance of [USERNAME].

The detain tool is only to be used once a player who is causing disruption has reached 3(III) valid warnings.

You are to click the torso of the player, this will prevent them from escaping and causing more disruption. This also removes their ability to move and jump.

It is best you walk forward when they are detained, this is easier for you and the situation can be handled swiftly.

To release, simply click the floor.

The detain tool should not be abused. If you are caught abusing you will be fired immediately.

If you catch someone abusing their tools, gather evidence (preferably a screenshot or medal clip) and contact a High Rank.

Thank you for listening to the required information, as it is highly appreciated.
Are there any questions/concerns before I hand you back over to your trainer?

Recipe Guide

Cup + Tea = Regular Tea
Cup + Tea + Green Tea = Green Tea
Cup + Tea + Black Tea = Black Tea
Cup + Tea + White Tea = White Tea
{Make sure you select the Cup to the left and not the Coffee cups.}

Cup + Regular Coffee = Regular Coffee
Cup + Decaf Coffee = Decaf Coffee
Cup + Espresso Coffee = Espresso Coffee
Iced Coffees coming soon.

Other drinks:
Cup + Cream = Hot Cream
Cup + Hot Milk = Hot Milk

Vanilla Ice-Cream Cone + Flavour = Ice-Cream

Cup + Milk + Flavour = Milkshake

Muffin(s) & other treats:
Press on the desired treat.

To give the items to customers, use the ‘Hand to Player’ GUI.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • ‘When is the next session?’ or ‘Is there a session being hosted?’

We have scheduled sessions which can be found on our Trello session schedule:
Banana Express, Session Schedule Press the blue text.

  • ‘How do I get a promotion?’

Promotions are earned through hard work and dedication. Maintaining professionalism and utilizing grammar/punctuation. Proving yourself worthy and respectful. But, you should work at Banana Express because you enjoy your job, not just for the promotions.

  • ‘Can I be a developer?’

We are not currently hiring developers, but feel free to shoot the President a message.

Other frequently asked questions
  1. “If we use caps with one word, would it consider as a warning?”

  2. “What ranks get commands?”
    Head of Security+.

  3. “Can we capitalize ''LMAO or ''LOL ?

  4. “Can we name ourselves?”
    Yes, appropriately.

  5. “How do I join the group?”
    Search up Banana Express in groups, click join, verify you’re real and then join back.

  6. “What happens if I fail an interview/training?”
    You try again at another session!

  7. “Can customers attend training?”
    No, customers have to pass interviews first.

  8. “How inactive do I have to be to get demoted?”
    Depends on the situation and your rank.

  9. “How active do I have to be to get promoted?”
    Depends on what you do while being active.

  10. “What type of warnings do we get as staff?”
    Same as anybody else, depending on the situation.

  11. “What does AA stand for?”
    Admin Abuse, when you don’t use the commands properly and maturely.

  12. “What happens if I miss a session on accident?”
    Don’t worry, there are more sessions.

  13. “Can we speak during meetings?”
    Only when given permission.

  14. “What does STS & PTS mean?”
    Shoulder to Shoulder & Permission to Speak.

  15. “What if I report staff for doing something wrong but no one does anything about it?”
    Report it to a Vice President+.

  16. “What rank can host sessions?”
    Chief Staff Officer+

High Rank Guides

Interview Rules

Hello, welcome to this Banana Express interview session! My name is [USERNAME] and I will be your host.
Please listen attentively to the following information as it will help your chances of succeeding tremendously.

Customers: Please follow any instructions directed by your interviewer, they are here to help you succeed.
Customers: Please do NOT copy and paste answers as this will be seen as cheating. If you are caught, you will be removed from the server immediately.
Customers: Please remember to utilize grammar and punctuation as this is a crucial element of your role here at Banana Express.
Customers: Professionalism is the key to success: you must maintain professionalism throughout all Banana Express group places.
Customers: If you have been failed by your interviewer but strongly believe there was a mistake, you may ask the host to review your answers.

Staff: Do not hint for promotions. Promotions are earned from professionalism, activeness, dedication, great grammar and other
Staff: You are to read answers thoroughly and check for any grammar mistakes. III(3) strikes is an automatic fail. Make sure you give customers a couple of seconds to correct themselves.
Staff: Once your interviewe(s) have passed, take them to the seating area for ranking and await further instructions.

That is all! I wish you the best of luck, this interview may now commence. Customers should remain seated and wait to be teleported by an interviewer.

You may message interviews and admins in-game if you wish.
[INTERVIEWERS] You have been given temporary moderator for this session. May I remind you that it is extremely important that you do not abuse this privilege. You may utilize this perk to view, jump and teleport a customer. You are also permitted to use it for chat-logs when reviewing answers.

[ADMINS] Thank you for attending this session as it is remarkably appreciated. If throughout this session there is an adequate amount of supervising staff, you are permitted to dismiss yourself and head to the Cafe as your assistance there is essential. Please shoot me a PM before leaving so I can note you down.

Before ranking
Congratulations! I will now review your answers to ensure no grammar mistakes were missed. If they were, don’t be disheartened.

Congratulations! You have passed this interview session. You have acquired the rank ‘Trainee’, session times can be found on our Trello session schedule board. Do you have any questions/concerns before I dismiss you?


Unfortunately, you have failed this interview due to 3(III) grammatical errors. You are encouraged to re-try at another session. Session times are listed on our Trello hosting board. Do you have any questions/concerns before I dismiss you?

Training Rules

Hello, welcome to this Banana Express training session! My name is [USERNAME] and I will be your host.

Please listen attentively to the following information as it will help your chances of succeeding tremendously.

Trainees: Please follow any instructions directed by your trainer, they are here to help you succeed.
Trainees: Please listen and watch closely to the information that your trainer is giving you, it is important that you take it all in.
Trainees: Please remember to utilize grammar and punctuation as this is a crucial element of your role here at Banana Express.
Trainees: Professionalism is the key to success: you must maintain professionalism throughout all Banana Express group places.
Trainees: If you have been failed by your trainer but strongly believe there was a mistake, you may ask the host to review your answers.

Staff: Do not hint for promotions. Promotions are earned from professionalism, activeness, dedication, great grammar and other
Staff: You are to read answers thoroughly and check for any grammar mistakes. III(3) strikes is an automatic fail. Make sure you give your Trainee(s) a couple of seconds to correct themselves.
Staff: Once your Trainee(s) have passed, take them to the seating area for ranking and await further instructions.

That is all! I wish you the best of luck, this training may now commence.
Staff, you may head to your stations.
Trainees, you may now head to your stations, good luck!

Before ranking
Congratulations! I will now review your answers to ensure no grammar mistakes were missed. If they were, don’t be disheartened.

Congratulations! You have passed this training session. As a result of passing, you have acquired the rank ‘[RANK]’. As an employee, you are welcome to assist at sessions. You should remain active and attend session/shift(s) regularly. However, you may go to the Cafe at any time. You can also comment on the group wall. Do you have any questions/concerns before I dismiss you?


Unfortunately, you have failed this training session due to 3(III) grammatical errors. You are encouraged to re-try at another session. Session times are listed on our Trello hosting board. Do you have any questions/concerns before I dismiss you?

You may message supervisors at the session if you would like to.
[ADMINS] Greetings, admins. Thank you for attending this session as it is remarkably appreciated. If throughout this session there is an adequate amount of supervising staff, you are permitted to dismiss yourself and head to the Cafe as your assistance there is essential. Please shoot me a PM before leaving so I can note you down.