Bananacb's Minor Hockey League [BMHL] 2019 Season Information

The BMHL is ready to begin its 7th ever season! The season is scheduled to go from July 1st - October.

What is the BMHL?
The BMHL is a hockey league on Roblox that started back in 2012. The goal of the league is to help grow the sports/hockey community, and to give users an experience similar to ice-hockey by using their imagination.

What is different from the 2018 season?
-Changed from R6 to R15.
-Changed from one-handed to two-handed hockey sticks.
-Brand new hockey stick and animations.
-Brand new goalie stick and animations.
-New rink and size difference.
-More equipment options for players.
-New goalie equipment.
-Now have stamina to help promote line changes.
-Changed from Legacy to PGS physics.
-New ownership control inside the puck to help prevent the inability to gain ownership for a short amount of time. This occurred last season with the old puck, and with the current puck when the ownership script isn’t enabled.

What is new with the hockey sticks?
-New animations specific for R15.
-Ability to take slap shots.
-Ability to deflect pucks.
-Curved blade for better puck control.
-Smaller blade size for a more realistic hockey experience.

What is new with the goalie sticks?
-Realistic look and feel.
-New animations specific for R15.
-Ability to play the puck.
-Poke checks.
-New butterfly mode and butterfly slides.
-Nerfed covering the puck and glove saves.
-Nerfed speed of the goalies in the butterfly.

What is the level of competition?
The BMHL is open to all levels from beginner to advanced skill. We will have 2 Tiers for this season…

Tier 1: Top level players, and some medium players
Tier 2: Lots of medium level players and beginners.

This is done through a qualification round robin and bracket at the beginning of the season to make each Tier as balanced as possible.

Where can I try out the new game-play?
Please keep in mind there is still some things that need to get sorted out with the hockey sticks. The game-play is still in ALPHA. By the time the season starts the hockey sticks will hopefully be out of BETA. Make sure to report all bugs to Bananacb.

The arena to test it is here…
Practice Arena…

Where can I sign up as a player?
To join as a player you must socialize with the BMHL community and see who owns a team you can join. Socialization is key as a hockey player.

Where do I go to get more information about the BMHL, and meet the community?
Make sure to check out the official BMHL Twitter…
BMHL Twitter

Check out our group on Roblox…
BMHL(Tier 1) Group

Finally, you can check out our Youtube channel from last year to get a look at our community and the old game-play from 2018. If you search BMHL on Youtube you might even be able to find game-play as old as 2012! :rofl:

BMHL Youtube Channel from 2018

Off season instructions
Everybody in the community nominating people who they think are the top players. Bananacb will go through all the nominations and select some of the nominees for the list. These players will be known as star players. The star players cannot play on the same assigned team, which will help balance the top-level competition.

Next up, the teams will begin putting their teams together of at least 8 players and a goalie. Maximum 16 players, 2 goalies. Once they are happy with their team they will have to contact the league with a list of all their players…

1.) No more than at least 1 star player on the team.
2.) No alternative (alt) accounts on the roster.
3.) No copyright name and/or logo.

Where some teams will be looking to play in Tier 1, others Tier 2. Depending on your market, you will be looking for a different range of players skill levels to get into the proper Tier (or maybe even a Tier higher than you thought you could make.) If you get approved the league will contact you with your results and there will be further instruction about qualification. Teams that get approved can also contact the league to set up an arena if you already have one built for your team. This arena will then belong to the league for the rest of the season, and the people who made the arena will get full credit for their building.

Star Players List
Star players are a special list of hockey players that are top level in skill. These players get to skip qualification and will automatically participate in Tier 1 for the upcoming season. Nobody is allowed to add these players to their team rosters until qualification has ended. After that, the teams that qualified for Tier 1 will have the option to sign a maximum of 1 of these players on the list. If a player on the list also owns a team, he/she must have their team participate in the qualification. They may however play for their team. This puts that person at risk for playing at a lower level though.

Qualification Format
Next up will be qualifications. This is to find the teams that belong in Tier 1 and Tier 2. Even if you want to play in Tier 1 you have to go through this process. This is to make sure it is as fair as possible once the Tiers begin. The qualification rules and standards will vary depending on the overall amount of teams that registered, however there will be a rough format that will be followed…

It begins with a round robin to decide the pool ranking of all the teams. In the round robin you play a game against every single team in your pool. Your ranking will matter with who you are matched up with in the double elimination bracket that follows.

The brackets will begin. It’s a 2 set bracket where you can only go down the bracket for losing. To go in Tier 1 you have to either go undefeated or only lose 1 game overall. This will vary depending on the amount of teams register however. You must not lose a single game, or only lose 1 game to qualify for Tier 1. The bracket may also need a wildcard spot if the math doesn’t add up equally. The bracket will be announced following the end of the round robin stage, with the surviving teams ranked depending on their performance in the round robin.

Current Qualification Round Robin Pools…

Pool A:

  • Tijuana Piranhas
  • Robloxia Pandas
  • Lowell River Monsters
  • Saint Roblox Sea Dogs
  • Rhode Island Icebreakers

Pool B:

  • Roblox Huskies
  • Roblox Lightning
  • Wheeling Thunderbirds
  • Saskatoon Hawks

Pool C:

  • Canobe City Archers
  • Seattle Bombers
  • Tokyo Dragons
  • Roblox Blazzers (with 2 Z’s as is tradition)

Pool D

  • Philadelphia Kermits
  • Schoolhouse Baldies
  • Roblox Lakers
  • Bloxtown Chiefs

2019 BMHL Qualification schedule…
*All games will take place at Unknown Arena

(All times are in Pacific Standard (PST))

Qualification final scores…

Overall Ranking Standings:

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