Example used was the Purple Banded Top Hat however this issue applies to the other items I linked above
Issue Area: Catalog Assets Issue Type: Other Impact: Moderate Frequency: Constantly Date First Experienced: When the items were created Date Last Experienced: To this day
This is another brain-dead fix that should have been corrected years ago.
I’ve had dozens of people contact me asking me to create UGC accessory fixes to correct this problem, but I really don’t want to nor should anybody have to. Correcting this problem for every single top hat would take a single person at most 1 hour of work, and that’s being pretty generous.
This issue also happens with the Pot accessory, but I cannot retrieve the link as the entire catalog is suffering an outage alongside the avatar editor.
Did you ever consider fixing it? I spent 5 thousand robux on a banded top hat, and was really upset that it’s texturing was completely off after paying so much for an item ive always wanted.
Banded Top hat is one of the biggest and post popular hat series on Roblox. With these hats being so popular I don’t think the “classicness” matters anymore and I think this ugly black line needs to be fixed
@Klaugrana001 Would a glaring texture issue like this not be changed by the catalog asset team for aesthetic reasons? I’ve noticed atleast my end the bleed has been looking especially worse in r6 and minimal to none unless from a distance in r15
Honestly a part of me believes this is intentional at this point? On Classic Hat Stack you can see this same bleed, but it is visible in both R15 and R6.
Classic Hat Stack features a refreshed banded top hat texture, so if this was unintentional I don’t know if they would’ve left it in there.