Banned for having 'Scripter' in my Roblox Description

Has anyone else ever had this happen before? I had the word ‘Scripter’ in my Roblox description with a list of my experience…


Maybe use the word “programmer” instead

Another great example of Roblox’s flawed moderation system


you should definitely appeal that, no one should be getting banned over the word scripter that’s absolutely insane.


Was there anything in your list of experience that could’ve triggered the ban?
A link to a game that’s been moderated? An offlsite link? Some other link, plugin or script name that may have been moderated, or the item name may have been kinda suspicious.

Remember, your point of view of whether a name is okay or not may not be everyone else’s.

It’d be nice if they told you the item or word they have issues with.
Recently I had a game description I wanted to change slightly and it kept getting denied. An older game that I just wanted to add the updates to. I tried many many different ways of wording it. I believe it was around the time they stopped allowing using the name Roblox on items, but older names and descriptions were grandfathered in. When I removed the name Roblox the description was approved, which would’ve been so much easier if they’d said ‘remove the name Roblox’ instead of just saying my change was denied.


No, I’m pretty sure I only had ‘Scripter’ in my bio and nothing else.


Ah, you said in your original post you had a list of your experience as well. I assumed the issue was with your experience list, not the word scripter.

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I think it would have helped everyone out of roblox provided specific details on moderation since all they really do is point to a rule that got broke and call it a day. I know someone in an announcement mentioned that they will soon be doing this due to EU regulations so we will see.

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Why does ROBLOX started banning people for no reason.

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The AI probably thought “scripter” ment that they use scripts to hack


Roblox, need to fix There Ai Little bit more.


New byfron update, now using AI to ban exploiters :fire: :100:

Insane. Filed an appeal for this and received this response:

I have not attempted to upload any audios on Roblox in 3 years, nor uploaded any copyrighted content. Completely unrelated to my ‘ban message’


I don’t understand how that could have even happened what audio is roblox even looking at lol.

a lot of developers, myself included opt in for just not giving roblox a reason to ban anyone,
basically don’t say or do anything that roblox can use against you and upload assets to an alt account first to avoid getting your main banned.

might not be 100% effective there might always be something they find, but it helps a lot to reduce the chances of losing all of your hard work.

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