Banned for using a TextChatCommand


I’m writing about a recent problem that has affected me and my game’s moderation staff.

Roblox chat moderation seems to have fallen off so horribly that it’s flagging my TextChatCommands, which I have set up for my game’s staff to moderate.

This is not my ban but rather a staff member on my team.

Roblox’s incompetencecy has left my game moderation less. As of now, all my staff are scared to moderate knowing there’s a chance of getting moderated for doing so.

In case someone from Roblox Moderation finds this message the user falsely banned In the screenshot is


Appeal it. Someone was banned for the same reason on Reddit and their ban was removed when they appealed.

You’ll most likely get it removed.

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what would apealing a 1 day ban do if it takes roblox 3 business days to respond to it

Bans affect DevEx and posting models on the toolbox.

It’s important to appeal it and remove it so it doesn’t count in the ban stack.

If it did, your chances of receiving a termination are very high.

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This has been resolved. The ban was lifted. I’m glad Roblox moderation finally worked.

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What happened to the account?

Appears as if it was terminated

I might’ve given the wrong UserID.
The correct one is Mr787 - Roblox

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