Banning Simulator X Changelog

Scripter - Chris / @Cigatronix
Modeler - Trenton / @Not_Nert

This thread is used to display organized information relative to Banning Simulator X updates, events, and news.

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⭐Update 4 (July 29th)

:camera: New Content :camera:

  • Throwback Egg (Limited):egg:! Only available till update 5.
  • Prestige Leaderboard
  • Time Trials Leaderboard (Highest Wave on Hard Mode)
  • Currency purchases in shop
  • New titles for World Prestige!
  • New titles for Time Trials!
  • Pet Mastery now supports exclusive / limited pets! :blush:
  • Friendship rewards! If you’re in a game with friends, all currencies obtained are increased!
  • Daily Rewards have been added! Earn currency, boost, and Robux eggs just by logging in to play
  • Bi-Weekly Event Pet Quest! You can now complete a quest one per week to earn a free, decently statted pet!
  • Secret Hatch Bot added to our server! :slightly_smiling_face:

:leaves: Quality of Life Improvements

  • HUD UI remaster. Pet Index, Mastery, and Accolades have been moved to the front of the UI.
  • Auto Delete now works through the hatching interface. Select a pet to register it for auto-deletion.
  • Rarity pet searching! Searching a rarity instead of a pet name in the inventory will display all pets of that rarity!
  • Combined Stats! There’s now a stat in the stats window for seeing your total damage and total bans output (for pets only)
  • Scrollbars in UI’s have been properly aligned with the right side of the UI, and their color has been changed to fit in with the UI better
  • Renamed Prismatic rarity to Secret rarity.

:balance_scale: Balance Changes

  • Robux pets have had their stats rebalanced based on community feedback.
  • Time trials has undergone some balance changes.
    → Health on mobs has been increased to provide a greater challenge.
    → Upgrades now cost slightly more.

:bug: Bug Fixes

  • Talismans now teleport with you (same as pets) when teleporting to another area in the game
  • Some issues caused by character reset have been fixed, including UI’s
  • Issues regarding the Pet mastery have been fixed
  • NPCs colliding with map objects in Time Trials has been fixed!
  • Time Trials bug fixes
  • Wheel Spin visual issues fixed including inaccurate timer displaying the time until the next available spin.
⭐Update 3 (July 25th)

:video_game: New Content

  • New wheel spin feature. One free spin daily. Exclusive pets, boost, and currency rewards available.
  • Boost Bundles! Purchase a vast amount of boost for significantly cheaper.
  • Time Trials :hourglass: Challenge yourself… Last 10 minutes against endless waves of NPCs that get significantly stronger each wave. Beware… they fight back!
  • 4 New weapons purchasable with “Gears”, the new currency granted through Time Trials!
  • New Talisman purchasable with “Gears”!
  • New Permanent Time Trials egg!

:scales: Balance Changes

  • Important: We’ve decided that the community knows best, and for the time being, we will only have robux eggs available for purchase in the shop. Each robux egg be available for 3 weeks to a month at a time.
  • World Prestige boost costs have been increased. 30 minute boosts, 1 hour boosts, and 2 hour boosts, have all had their costs increased to 2, 4, and 6 prestige tokens respectively
  • Exclusive pets now require at least 70% to be successfully fused.
  • x2 FASTER EGG HATCHING FOR ALL PLAYERS (including P2P). This change has been implemented based on community feedback. It’s a permanent balance change. :slight_smile:
  • Robux pets have been nerfed significantly, based on community feedback.

:bug: Bug Fixes

  • Keybind functionality has been improved. Should be much smoother now.
  • UI’s will maintain their functionality upon re-rendering. This should fix a lot of issues players have been experiencing.
  • Chunk system / Streaming Enabled support has been added, significantly improving the performance of clients.
⭐Update 2 (July 15th)
  • NPC’s are highlighted red for a brief period when damaged.
  • NPCs display damage numbers when damaged.
  • Leaderboard overhead ranks
  • Fusion now simply displays possible pets to fuse instead of organizing them by zone
  • Fixed a bug where fusions inaccurately affect the global pet exist store
  • New Contributor Title
  • New Official Fan Title (Met a developer in-game)
  • The number of prismatics and Primordials required to fuse to the next variant have been increase to 6 and 4 respectively.
  • Gamepass Gifting has been added
  • In-game Update Log has been added
  • Pet Mastery no longer counts Prismatics or Primordials towards progress
  • New 500k visits Event Egg (2 Prismatics, 1 Primordial)
  • New Robux Shop Egg
  • New exlusive pets available in the shop for purchase
  • Premium players are now boosted with an inherent 10% additional luck when hatching
Hotfix 1.2 (July 11th)

Hello everybody! We are rolling out the second hotfix since Update 1. The hotfix includes the following content:

  • Improved Weapon Shop
    → Weapon shop will now allow you to manage equipping/unequipping your weapon if you own that weapon. → Weapon shop will now always display the required rank to purchase a weapon, but the color will change based on whether or not you meet the requirement.

  • Improved Talisman Shop
    → Talisman shop will now allow you to manage equipping/unequipping your talisman if you own that talisman. → Talisman shop will now always display the required rank to purchase the talisman, but similarly to the weapon shop, the color will change based on whether or not you meet the requirement.

  • Improved Item Inventory
    → The item inventory where pets are managed also allows you to manage your weapons and talismans. For the sake of convenience, we’ve added a rank icon over the weapons/talismans that you are unable to equip due to not being a high enough rank. This case happens when you prestige, of course, because you are no longer a high enough rank to equip those weapons/talismans. → The issue where a weapon would show 100% progress at level 9 has been fixed.

  • Improved World Prestige
    → Before prestiging, there will now be a disclaimer stating everything that you will lose and everything that you will gain, and will ask for your confirmation. This should remove a lot of confusion. We apologize sincerely for forgetting to add this in the first place.

  • Delayed Leaderboards and Trade Interaction Upon Joining
    → Previously, when joining a server, there would be a very long delay before you were able to interact with the trading feature or see the leaderboards. This delay has been fixed in this hotfix, and you should now be able to interact with these features freely as soon as you join.

  • Trade Requests Interfering with Hatching
    → You no longer need to disable trade requests to prevent your hatching from stopping automatically. We have implemented a modification in this hotfix so that trade requests will no longer stop you from auto-hatching.

  • Responsive Trade Logs
    → Previously, interacting with the trade logs feature was also delayed, and potentially broke the user interface. This issue has been resolved in this hotfix. We sincerely appreciate everybody’s patience with us. We hope we are able to continue meeting player expectations, and look forward to publishing Update 2

Hotfix 1.1 (July 10th)

Hello everyone! We’ve made some changes, and we’re publishing the anticipated hotfix for Update 1. In this hotfix, we’ve fixed and implemented the following things:

  • A fix for leaderboard displays. They won’t constantly bug out anymore!

  • Multiple methods of data-loss prevention. Sometimes, servers crash, and players lose data. To combat this, we’ve added sources of auto-saving and session-locking, which should resolve the vast majority of these issues while we investigate the primary cause of server crashes.

  • Fixed an issue with the reduced void egg cost multiplier from World Prestige.

  • Added the ExperienceViewer/RankViewer to the PassiveHUD, which means you can view your experience while in shops and while auto fighting!

  • Released Trading! We believe that we have fixed the vast majority of issues we were facing with trading. As such, we are going to re-enable it for now. If it turns out that Trading still has critical issues, we will have no choice but to disable it once again while we fix the issues. But for now, we are hopeful that the feature is working as intended

⭐Update 1 (July 9th)

:beetle: Bugs

  • A slight delay between hatches has been added to prevent Auto Hatch from randomly disabling itself.
  • The delay when opening the shop has been fixed!
  • The stats window breaking has been fixed!

:playground_slide: New Content!

  • New Interaction Prompts for Weapon Shops, Talismans, Masteries, World Prestige, and all vendors.
  • World Prestige has been added! Prestige your progress in Ban Land to gain Prestige Tokens which are spent to gain powerful permanent upgrades and boost!
  • Trading has also been added! There might be a few issues here and there, but don’t worry! We’re working hard to fix them as fast as we can and ensure quality to all of our playerbase
  • 3 New Zones!
  • 12 New Weapons!
  • New Permanent “Jester” Egg
  • New Limited “Radioactive” Egg

There was much more added in the back-end of this update, which will aid us and players as time goes on. Please once again be patient with us, as we do expect there to be a few issues here and there. We are committed to fixing the issues as fast as possible, and will rollout Hotfix updates over the next few days to fix all the issues that players encounter. We hope you guys enjoy this update, and we hope we can continue to meet player standards

Hotfix 0.4 (July 2nd)

:beetle: Bugs

  • NPC collisions are now fully disabled with players! Similarly, player collisions are now disabled as well!
  • NPCs are now bound to their areas. No more fighting NPCs in zones they don’t belong in! Bugged “Slinger” NPCs should be fixed now as well, if not totally fixed, at the very least, the issue should occur far less often.
  • Fusing is fixed! There was previously a visual issue resulting in players without the Better Fusion gamepass getting misleading fusion chances. This issue has been resolved. We apologize dearly for those who had a negatively impacted experience due to this issue.
  • A few minor bug fixes that resulted in a cluttered f9 console have been fixed as well.
  • An issue where auto hatching would randomly stop has been fixed. Auto hatching should now work as intended.
  • NPC Hitboxes have been VASTLY improved. We guarantee this will lead to a much more pleasing gameplay experience, and faster progression!

:balance_scale: Balance Updates

  • We have upgraded each zone to host 3 boss NPCs and 8 - 10 normal NPCs! Hopefully this will benefit players in public servers

:playground_slide: QoL Implementations

  • We’ve implemented a “Stop Hatching” button for while you’re auto hatching eggs. You can also disable auto hatching while you’re hatching by clicking the hatching keybind (for PC players).
Hotfix 0.3 (July 2nd)

Hey guys! There were still some issues in the game on Day 2, and we’re happy to say we’ve resolved the vast majority of them with this Hotfix!

Here’s what changed:

:beetle: Bugs
NPCs were previously getting stuck in the floor, constantly, and as some members stated, doing burnouts from zone to zone :PepeLaugh~2:. This issue has thankfully been resolved. If there are any other issues pertaining to NPCs, please do let us know!
Unequip All and Equip All were previously not working as intended, sometimes not working at all. These issues have been resolved.
The better fusion gamepass previously did not grant benefits (we forgot to add them… woops). This issue has been resolved, and the gamepass functions as intended.
Some other minor bug fixes that cluttered the game log console.

:hammer_and_pick: Patches
We have patched an exploit allowing players to change the variant of their pets through fusion.

:balance_scale: Balance Changes
We have reset everyone’s ban stat, and reset the leaderboards, due to a balancing error on our end during the release of the game. We sincerely apologize for this, but the issue has been resolved, and these are the measures we have taken to correct our mistake.

:playground_slide: New Content!
Auto fight is now free for everybody! Free to play players can access Auto Fight with no restrictions, although there is a 1 second delay between fighting NPCs, and your walk speed is limited while auto fighting. Players who have purchased the Auto Fight gamepass do not have any delay between bans and have their walk speed bonus’s from talismans enabled!
We have added a stat in the account window that allows you to track your individual npc bans!

Hotfix 0.2 (July 1st)

We’ve not only introduced a bit of extra content to the game, but also added better balancing changes, as well as some more bug fixes! Please review the list below to see what we’ve changed in our most recent hotfix update.


  • Collisions have been turned off for NPCs, which should fix a significant amount of issues. We are continuing to monitor and work on improving our NPC system, and will continue to push out any fixes that need to be pushed.
  • Fixed pet ban stats… The amount at which bans increased per level was set to increase by the damage increment instead of the ban increment, leading to ban stats being way stronger than they’re supposed to be. We understand how this fix will affect leaderboards, but it should fix itself over time. We hope you guys understand!


  • We have patched an exploit that allowed users to triple hatch eggs without the gamepass.
  • An Aura exploit allowing players to kill NPCs from anywhere has been patched.
  • An exploit allowing people to equip an infinite number of pets has also been patched.

Balance Changes

  • Void eggs now cost x25 the amount of it’s normal egg instead of x50.

New Content!

  • Zone signs have been removed, and zone purchase interfaces have been moved to the zone doors.
  • Some slight improvements have been made to the lobby’s layout!
  • There is now a new feature in the lobby called “Invite a Friend!” By interacting with that feature, and liking the game, you can receive an exclusive pet, as well as a free 2 hour boost for x2 Currency and a free 2 hour boost for x2 Luck!
Hotfix 0.1 (July 1st)

Hey all, first off, we appreciate how unbelievably patient and supportive you guys have been. After we released the game earlier today, while it went rather well, it goes without saying that there were a few issues right off the bat! From our team to our players, we apologize for these issues. There were a few issues that were significantly impacting the gameplay of many of our day 1 players, and this obviously isn’t a good thing. As such, we are compensating with a x2 Luck event.

We have fixed and improved the following:

  • Leaderboards now update every minute!
  • Auto fighting in various zones
  • NPCs standing still in games (Although this should not happen any more, in the event that it does, please report it to a @Quality Assurance member immediately!)
  • Inaccuracies in the Pet Exist DataStore. Pets should not properly display how many of the pet exist!
  • Various titles have been fixed. It seems that there was incorrect logic being applied when checking if conditions to equip a title were met or not. These bugs have been fixed.
  • Viewing your stats! Some players were having issues viewing their own stats. This issue has been fixed.
  • A few other important bugs were also fixed, but they won’t be named.

Once again, we appreciate how patient everyone was with us today. We will continue to improve the game and fix any issues as they arise. Please don’t hesitate to report any issues to our team, and we will get to work on it immediately. Our priority remains providing a great experience to our players, and meeting expectations

⭐Release (June 30th)

Hey guys! Thanks for being so patient with us. We’re happy to finally bring you Interbyte’s latest production, Banning Simulator X!

We’ve been working really hard on this game for quite a while, and we’ve got a lot of really cool content planned for some future updates!

We hope you guys do enjoy. We’ve tried to iron out as many bugs as possible before the release, but in the event that you run into any issues, please join our Discord and report them to a Quality Assurance team member or Developer. We will try to get on it as fast as we can :slightly_smiling_face:

As for our update schedule, we hope to update as frequently as possible. Please be patient with us for updates, as we want to ensure our updates release with little to no issues, so if we take extra time to be sure that happens, don’t be upset :slightly_smiling_face:

Previous Entries

June 10th

June 10th

  • First off, we will have another update for you guys next Saturday, on the 17th. It’s very likely that that’ll be when we announce the release date of the game. So if you are interested in Banning Simulator X and when it is going to release, don’t forget to check this post again next Saturday.

  • We have made crazy amounts of progress in the first week of our beta. On release you can expect the following features:
    → 9 zones
    → Over 30+ Weapons
    → 7 Ranks to progress through - [ Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, Emerald, Draconic, Pendulum ]
    → 8 Tiers of Talismans to collect that grant bonus experience gain, faster walk speed, and additional damage!
    → 5 eggs spread throughout the zones - Void eggs are hatchable for 6x the cost of the regular egg. :slight_smile:
    → Fusing pets from Regular to Void, and from Void to Radiant.
    → Trading (Currency trading included)
    → Trade Logs
    → Account Mastery (Fusing, Boost Usage, Bans, Egg Hatching, Pet Experience Gained)
    → Pet Mastery (This feature is too large to explain in this post. It’s a very cool feature, and very free to play friendly in terms of providing you with boost and paid items! This feature is however only accessible from the last zone in the release World. So you’ll need to reach the last zone before you can interact with this feature. It’s also the game’s Pet Index.)

Sneak Peaks

Leak 11