Someone has duped tons of pets in my game, Scythe Simulator. I keep banning him with the normal way, but he just keeps making alts. I can’t do this forever…
I couldn’t find anything about IP banning from a game, or roblox entirely. Who knows how many duped pets he’s given away now.
Here’s my current script:
local BannedPlayers = {'artdofriezo_2', 'Moxdelium', 'Moxdeliumalt', 'moxdeliumalt1'}
local BanMessage = 'Nice try buster'
for i = 1, #BannedPlayers do
if player.Name == BannedPlayers[i] then
Roblox doesn’t allow that type of stuff, also they can use a vpn or just modify their client to send a totally different ip address. There is no such thing on roblox that allows you to grab an IP address nor detect if a user has that specific IP address.
You can’t IP ban a player since roblox doesn’t allow/provide any users IP address (for obvious security reasons). What I suggest you do is fix/secure your pet system instead of trying to ban all players who bypassed it.
No you can’t but you can try checking their account age but I am highly against these types of things. You can ban the guy only by using his username or userid and nothing else.
Yep the best idea would be for them to try and fix their pet system so that it only allows for the player to request an action and not actually execute one, like having it request for the pet to be equipped instead of just equipping it when a remote is fired.