Bans with ApplyToUniverse = false are not shown in creator hub

Ban with ApplyToUniverse = false can only be seen using GetBanHistoryAsync

Custom Panel:

Creator Hub:

Expected behavior

Bans should display regardless of ApplyToUniverse setting, either under place configuration, or experience configuration in “More”

otherwise I cannot track all of the bans, because I used automation to migrate bans from data store to ban api with ApplyToUniverse set to false

Page URL:

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Hi @LvieReal! The User Bans page on Creator Hub only surfaces universe-level bans at this time (ApplyToUniverse = true). Would ApplyToUniverse = true work for your use case?

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ApplyToUniverse set to true does show the ban, but it’s been a while since I migrated bans (since the release of ban api) and then started using ApplyToUniverse = true instead of an option in my custom mod panel. Migrated bans are still saved on my drive, but yeah I can’t see them on bans page. Right now if I were to list all the bans from datastore, I’ll need to first: unban from the place (they’re banned with ApplyToUniverse = false), and only then ban with ApplyToUniverse set to true, looping through the list. I would like to know if and how ApplyToUniverse = false bans are gonna be implemented on the page.
