Bar/Pub Is It Allowed Or Dose It Break Roblox TOS

Is it allowed if I made like a game liek a ro-store but it is a bar/pub but in roblox. I will not sell any alcholic beverages. It will jsut be thigns like juices, pops, engery drinks chrips and small meal liek what a pub/bar dose but without the alchol.

I’m pretty sure no alcohol is okay. I believe its the whole selling alcohol part that breaks TOS.

+You could probably check Roblox’s Terms Of Service as well.

It isn’t exactly a bar then…

Sounds like a cafe or convenience store to me.

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I mean… its probably allowed in 17+ games

If you’re a 17+ ID Verified user, you can add a Bar/Pub but it depends on how you depict it. I’d recommend looking into if any other non 17+ experiences on Roblox has a Bar and or Pub.

(I’m assuming you’re asking if you can add a Bar/Pub into a non 17+ experience)

Quote; “17+ experiences on Roblox may include references to, and depictions of, alcohol use and intoxicated behavior.”

Link to page can be found here

Theres a game where its just a socializing bar and if you drink too much alcohol you pass out and die

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Yup! I’m not sure if you’re talking about On Tap 17+ by Diepolder Club, but I’m pretty sure that experience allows you to drink alcohol.

What I meant it as, if OP want’s to add a Bar and or Pub into their experience and they don’t want make it 17+.

I could of been a little bit more clearer on that, sorry!

ahh okay lol
mb I thought you were talking about 17+ places