Baseplate Default Position

It isn’t all that huge of a bug, more an annoyance, but it has persisted for what must be years now.

Default baseplate is sized 512, 1.2, 512 and Positioned at 0, -0.61, 0

-0.61? Thats an odd number, and its been throwing off vertical precision for years. Again, it’s more of an annoyance than a real bug issue and in all honesty can be fixed via plugin or something, but could we get this fixed so we dont have to?

And if this is intended behaviour can we atleast get an explanation as to why its positioned a 100th lower than it should be?

The baseplate’s FormFactor is a brick, (or it used to be), its size is height is 1.2 therefore I imagine the reason it’s at -0.6 is so the top of the baseplate is at 0, the .01 is probably some error. Although it confuses me as to why it’s not just at 0, 0, 0 and Symmetric