The blast radius is set to zero. When I’m on pc I’ll check the rest of the properties.
Regardless of whether or not this is a Roblox bug, you’ve provided absolutely no information whatsoever in your original report to help engineers diagnose the issue. You had to be asked 3 times to provide a reproduction place file. If you’re going to file a bug report with this kind of attitude, where you refuse to give up the information needed for people (incl. engineers) to help resolve your issue, please reconsider whether or not it’s worth it. If the issue is likely with explosions, then change your report title and description to mention such.
If it wasn’t for the others kind enough to assist you in this thread, this report would be marked as “Needs Information” (if not “Closed”) by the first engineer who came across it.
I have given the file already. As for the additude I try my best to be nice / not sound rude.
After checking that, it hasn’t resolved the issue, I remove the explosion and the issue continues.
I’ve seen the file and figured it out:
Your jeep is welded with the baseplate by default, when the command does jeep:PivotTo(), it also moves the baseplate with the jeep.
Ah well thats kind of weird for roblox to be doing. Thanks for the help !
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