Can you replicate this bug on other places?
If you aren’t able to replicate it on other places then try making a new one and slowly integrating all your given code into it or all at once and see if it still changes the CFrame of the baseplate.
It’s very likely that somewhere in your code it is indirectly changing the baseplates CFrame.
If It is the explosion then that’s a roblox issue and it was happening before the explosion existed. It isn’t the ragdoll becuase I use it in other games and this doesn’t happen.
That’s not true, it wouldn’t be a bug because the Explosion Instance does have properties to determine if parts nearby should have its joints destroyed:
Therefore if the explosion is causing that I don’t think it would be a bug, in an empty default baseplate using the explosion does not unanchor the baseplate for me, could be due to your baseplate setup that uses joints or your explosion properties.