Baseplate moves when I'm not changing its position / CFrame

The baseplate is moving when im not editing it at all.


At one point in the video the baseplate starts tilting, I tried to show that but I failed lol.

Code :arrow_down:

Server: -- Serverfunction( speaker: Player, args: any ) : () local Player = args[1 -
Client: -- Clientscript.Parent.OnClientInvoke = function() local character = game.Pl -

Expected behavior

The baseplate shouldnt move at all.



This is not a bug for Roblox to fix. It’s a bug with either your code or your workspace setup. Is your baseplate anchored??

Flag this post for deletion and repost it in #help-and-feedback. In future, do not post this stuff in this category.


It is a bug for roblox, because there is nothing in my code editing the baseplates position / CFrame. And yes the baseplate is anchored.

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Can you share a .rbxl place file?

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If it didnt have an unreleased product in it I would, sorry :pray:.

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Can you replicate this bug on other places?
If you aren’t able to replicate it on other places then try making a new one and slowly integrating all your given code into it or all at once and see if it still changes the CFrame of the baseplate.
It’s very likely that somewhere in your code it is indirectly changing the baseplates CFrame.

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I am able to replicate it in other places.

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What do you do to replicate it
Or is it just a consistent thing for you all the time

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The exact same thing as shown in the video :+1:

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??? That’s not an explanation on how to replicate this bug.
All you’re doing is typing a command and it’d sometimes rotate the baseplate.

If you can’t replicate it on a empty place then it’s 100% a problem with your code

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You cannot replicate it unless you have the file which Im guessing I’m going to have to give.

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What file? The given place shown?
If so then again it’s 100% a problem with code and not a Roblox related issue


It is a roblox issue if I’m not editing the baseplate at all. As you can see in the code provided.

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Even though I really dont want to do this here is the place file.
Private-Workshop.rbxl (9.8 MB)

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I have sent the file here: Baseplate moves when I'm not changing its position / CFrame - #14 by zeyan200_gotdeleted

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Are you sure it isn’t either the explosion or the ragdoll messing with it?

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If It is the explosion then that’s a roblox issue and it was happening before the explosion existed. It isn’t the ragdoll becuase I use it in other games and this doesn’t happen.

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just delete all scripts and see if it still moves, if it doesnt move, just try deleted one script at a time to test which script affects the baseplate

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That’s not true, it wouldn’t be a bug because the Explosion Instance does have properties to determine if parts nearby should have its joints destroyed:

“An Explosion applies force to BaseParts within the explosion’s BlastRadius. This force breaks JointInstances and WeldConstraints between parts and kills Humanoid characters not protected by a ForceField.”

The property in question is called “DestroyJointRadiusPercent

Source: Explosion | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

Therefore if the explosion is causing that I don’t think it would be a bug, in an empty default baseplate using the explosion does not unanchor the baseplate for me, could be due to your baseplate setup that uses joints or your explosion properties.


As i8cheese said above this isn’t a Roblox issue, this is an issue with how you are using explosions.

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