Hey, fellow developers! I’ve been looking at the Basic Admin 2.0 Module and couldn’t find how you could duplicate the donor perks or admin notification but somehow, somewhere, someone did.
Take a look the two top ones are classic, don’t mind the music notification, but the settings one is custom, and actually functions when clicked on. Could someone help me here how to do that? I’ve searched the mainmodule, etc, but as I’m not advanced, nothing.
This isn’t anything you need to have advanced knowledge on, just a basic understanding. If you lack that, you should do some research on your own time to try and figure this out. There are many resources on Gui scripting and whatnot that you can reference, as well as the API itself. Learning fundamental programming concepts and how to write Lua code would also be helpful here.
Not an experienced scripter although if you incorporate it as a plug-in and have it show up as a list, you’d just have to script the rest where it shows the “Now Playing” etc.
Put the BasicAdmin MainModule as a child of the configuration script.
Set your BasicAdmin configuration as so:
['Loader ID'] = script.MainModule,
Go into the children of the MainModule and find the folder named Components, then go into the children of Components and look for the LocalScript named Essentials Code.
If the notification isn’t rank locked: go to the very end, after the last end) and paste this script: