Basic Admin Essentials 2.0 fixed-message command

Hi developers,
I’m trying to create a command with plugins on Basic Admin Essentials. When a player uses the :topmessage [message] command, it will show a hint at the top of the screen and it will stay there, rather than disappearing.

However, I’m not advanced at scripting so I’m not very sure how to keep the message there and stop it from disappearing on its own. I don’t think its necessary to include screenshots, as you can visualize it. The message will disappear; I want it to stay. I’m not very familiar with BAE plugins, so I was not able to try any other solutions.

Here’s my code so far. If you see any problems or if I need to add anything to achieve my goal, please let me know!

local Plugin = function(...)
    local Data = {...}
    local remoteEvent = Data[1][1]

    local pluginName = "topmessage"
    local pluginPrefix = ":"
    local pluginLevel = 1
    local pluginDescription = "Fixes a specific message to the top of the screen."
	local pluginUsage = "<Text>"
    local pluginFunction = function(Args)
	local Player = Args[3]
		 remoteEvent:FireAllClients('Hint', 'Message', Args[3])

    pluginDescription = " " .. pluginDescription

    return pluginName, pluginFunction, pluginLevel, pluginPrefix, {pluginName, pluginUsage, pluginDescription}

return Plugin

Thank you for your help!


I have experienced with BAE plugins so I’ll try to help.

This is not possible without forking the whole BAE module. If you still want to recreate this command, I suggest you create your commands outside BAE (your own script) and have your own GUI.


Building on from what @Quwanterz is saying, I know that Adonis Admin offers this feature as part of the admin.
:setmessage basically does everything you are after only it’s not part of Basic Admin 2.0.
I understand that you may find Adonis’ UI a bit off-putting, but I’m happy to say that it’s more advanced, just as secure and allows you to make your own custom theme and use it (not limited to just colour, but all design, etc…)


Thank you for letting me know.

Hi, are you still looking for assistance on this command?

I am. Can you help? I need the same exact thing.