Basic Admin Essentials [BAE] | Group Rank Support

The Problem

Hi there, I was recently scripting the Basic Admin for one of my commissions but each time I join the game, the admin does NOT load at all, and if it does, it does not give the proper ranks the admin they are supposed to have.

What I Am Trying to Accomplish

I want to know how to make the script function, including the group ranks admin working too. I have tried copy and pasting from another game that has the script functioning, but that hasn’t worked either.

An example of what I want:

Moderator - Certain Rank
Administrator - Certain Rank
& so on.

I have blocked out some areas for privacy reasons, but I would definitely appreciate the help!
If this was already solved somewhere else and I haven’t seen it, or it’s against the rules, please tell me!

The Script
	 ____            _      
	| __ )  __ _ ___(_) ___ 
	|  _ \ / _` / __| |/ __|
	| |_) | (_| \__ \ | (__ 
	|____/ \__,_|___/_|\___|
	Admin Essentials 2.0
	Created by TheFurryFish
	Place this Model in
	You can remove the Model and
	place the script itself in
	ServerScriptService if you wish.
	There is more information regarding
	this admin script in the description
	of the actual model if you are interested.
	If you are confused as to how to configure this,
	please scroll to the bottom of this script
	for examples.
	As the creator of the game, you are automatically
	owner-admined, so you do not have to add yourself
	to any of the tables below.

-- Configuration --

local Configuration = {
	['Loader ID'] = 563619835,

		['Super Admins'] = {
			["1"] = "ROBLOX",
			["2"] = "John Doe",
			["3"] = "Jane Doe",

		["1"] is the User ID
		"ROBLOX" is their Username
		This format is the same for
		Super Admins, Admins, Mods,
		and Banned.

	['Super Admins'] = {


	['Admins'] = {


	['Mods'] = {


	['Banned'] = {


	['Group Configuration'] = {
			['Group ID'] = -,
			['Group Rank'] = 254,
			['Tolerance Type'] = '>=',
			['Admin Level'] = 3,
			['Group ID'] = -,
			['Group Rank'] = 246,
			['Tolerance Type'] = '>=',
			['Admin Level'] = 2,
			['Group ID'] = -,
			['Group Rank'] = 244,
			['Tolerance Type'] = '>=',
			['Admin Level'] = 1,

	['Command Configuration'] = {
		['fly'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['unfly'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['ban'] = {
			['Permission'] = 2,
		['unban'] = {
			['Permission'] = 2,
		['sm'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['admin'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['mod'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['unadmin'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['bans'] = {
			['Permission'] = 2,
		['shutdown'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['m'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['slock'] = {
			['Permission'] = 2,
		['unslock'] = {
			['Permission'] = 2,
		['h'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['tp'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['bring'] = {
			['Permission'] = 1,
		['team'] = {
			['Permission'] = 2,
		['info'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['gear'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['hat'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['joinlogs'] = {
			['Permission'] = 2,
		['iteminfo'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['pban'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['pbanid'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['unpban'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['unpbanid'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['pbans'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['shutdownlogs'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['btools'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['s'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['jump'] = {
			['Permission'] = 1,
		['sit'] = {
			['Permission'] = 2,
		['ws'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['place'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['god'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['ungod'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['ff'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['unff'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['play'] = {
			['Permission'] = 2,
		['volume'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['vol'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['stopsound'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['countdown'] = {
			['Permission'] = 2,
		['tools'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['give'] = {
			['Permission'] = 2,
		['startergear'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['time'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['removetools'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['clearstartergear'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['clear'] = {
			['Permission'] = 2,
		['clr'] = {
			['Permission'] = 2,
		['createserver'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['deleteserver'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['joinserver'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['privateservers'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['toreserved'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['change'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['heal'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['jumppower'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['insert'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['crash'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['trellobans'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['exampleplugin'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,
		['speed'] = {
			['Permission'] = 3,

	['Prefix'] = (':'), -- The prefix to the admin, i.e :cmds or :sm hi
	['Kick Reason'] = ('You have been kicked from the server.'), -- Displayed to people that are kicked.
	['Ban Reason'] = ('You have been banned from the game.'), -- Displayed to people that are banned.
	['Shutdown Reason'] = ('This server is shutting down..\nTry joining a different server!'), -- Displayed to people when the server is shut down.
	['Server Message'] = ('-'), -- Displayed in the :sm command's title.
	['Server Lock Reason'] = ('The server is locked.'), -- Displayed to people being kicked that try to enter a locked server.
	['Trello'] = false, -- Use trello? HttpService must be enabled.
	['Trello Board'] = (''), -- Trello board ID.
	['Trello App Key'] = (''), -- Private trello application key.
	['Trello Token'] = (''), -- Private trello token.
	['Creator Debugging'] = true, -- Allows the creator to debug potential issues with the admin.
	['Donor Perks'] = true, -- Gives people who purchase an admin donation the ability to cape, put hats on, etc.
	['Public Commands'] = true, -- Will people that are not admin be able to say :cmds, or !clean?
	['Auto Clean'] = true, -- Will hats and gear automatically be cleaned up every so often?
	['System Color'] =, 1, 0.71783), -- Color of the admin's guis.
	['Tools Location'] = game.ServerStorage, -- Where the :tools and :give command will get tools from.
	['Command Confirmation'] = true, -- Validates certain commands like :Ban all, or :PBan all.
	['Datastore Key'] = ('BAE_#$DGF') -- What cape data, ban data, etc. is stored under. Changing will wipe it.

-- End of Configuration --

-- Help Section --


	* Trello Bans Help
	Steps to follow:
	1) Make sure HttpService is enabled, to do so, paste
	"game:GetService('HttpService').HttpEnabled = true" into the command bar.
	2) Make sure Trello Bans is enabled
	3) Make sure the trello board is public
	4) Paste the trello board ID into the Trello Board ID option
	5) On the trello board, create a list called "Ban List"
	6) Add bans
	Note that the ban format for the name of the card is:

	* Group Admin Help:
	Types of admin
	1 = Mod
	2 = Admin
	3 = Super Admin
	The empty table should appear as this:
	['Group Configuration'] = {
			['Group ID'] = 0,
			['Group Rank'] = 0,
			['Tolerance Type'] = '>=',
			['Admin Level'] = 0,
	To add a group, create another table inside of the existing one;
	this should look like this:
	['Group Configuration'] = {
			['Group ID'] = 0,
			['Group Rank'] = 0,
			['Tolerance Type'] = '>=',
			['Admin Level'] = 0,
			['Group ID'] = 0,
			['Group Rank'] = 0,
			['Tolerance Type'] = '>=',
			['Admin Level'] = 0,
	Now add the group id into it, followed by a comma, followed by the group rank,
	- followed by the level of admin those users should receive.
	An example of a finished product is:
		['Group ID'] = 950346,
		['Group Rank'] = 20,
		['Tolerance Type'] = '>=',
		['Admin Level'] = 2,
	That will give people in the group id "950346", whom are at rank 20 or higher, level 2 admin,
	- which is regular admin.
	* Command Configuration Help
	['Command Configuration'] = {
		['fly'] = {
			['Permission'] = 1,
	['fly'] is the command being altered or changed.
	['Permission'] is the property of the command being changed.
	There are 5 levels of admin,
	0 = Everyone
	1 = Mod
	2 = Admin
	3 = Superadmin
	4 = Game Creator
	If you only wanted admins to fly, change
	the 1 to a 2.
	['Command Configuration'] = {
		['fly'] = {
			['Permission'] = 2,
		['unfly'] = {
			['Permission'] = 2,

-- Configuration Examples --

	Note that if you have multiple
	admins, mods, banned, etc., you
	must have a comma after the previous
	local Configuration = {
		['Loader ID'] = script.MainModule,
		['Super Admins'] = {
			['261'] = "Shedletsky",
		['Admins'] = {
			['261'] = "Shedletsky",
		['Mods'] = {
			['261'] = "Shedletsky"
		['Banned'] = {
			['261'] = "Shedletsky",
		['Group Configuration'] = {
				['Group ID'] = 0,
				['Group Rank'] = 0,
				['Tolerance Type'] = '>=',
				['Admin Level'] = 0,
		['Command Configuration'] = {
			['fly'] = {
				['Permission'] = 1,
			['unfly'] = {
				['Permission'] = 1,
		['Prefix'] = (':'),
		['Kick Reason'] = ('You have been kicked from the server.'),
		['Ban Reason'] = ('You have been banned from the game.'),
		['Shutdown Reason'] = ('This server is shutting down..\nTry joining a different server!'),
		['Server Message'] = ('Server Message'),
		['Server Lock Reason'] = ('The server is locked.'),
		['Trello'] = false,
		['Trello Board'] = (''),
		['Trello App Key'] = (''),
		['Trello Token'] = (''),
		['Creator Debugging'] = true,
		['Donor Perks'] = true,
		['Public Commands'] = true,
		['Auto Clean'] = true,
		['System Color'] =,31/255,31/255),
		['Tools Location'] = game.ServerStorage,
		['Command Confirmation'] = false, -- Validates certain commands like :Ban all, or :PBan all.
		['Datastore Key'] = ('BAE_#$DGF') -- What cape data, ban data, etc. is stored under. Changing will wipe it.

-- End of Examples --

local Plugins
if script:FindFirstChild('Plugins') and #(script:FindFirstChild('Plugins'):GetChildren()) >= 1 then
	Plugins = script:FindFirstChild('Plugins')

if script.Parent ~= game:GetService('ServerScriptService') then
	script.Parent = game:GetService('ServerScriptService')

require(Configuration['Loader ID'])(Plugins,Configuration)

Well the group ID isn’t there.

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I blocked that out for privacy reasons, it doesn’t work even if it is there. :cry:

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Did you touch anything other than the group admin configuration?

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I’m pretty sure I haven’t touched anything other than the configuration. I also placed the script in ServerScriptService, and deleted the thumbnail camera and main model.

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It should work if you keep it with the main model in workspace, that’s usually what I do with BAE.

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Just tried that, doesn’t seem to work either.


Sometimes when you test it in studio BAE doesn’t load. Try publishing and doing it in the actual game.


Oh, it worked! Thanks so much. :grin:

Glad that I could have helped.