Basic Admin Essentials - mainModule

Hello! I am Healix_YT also known as XLuxo on YouTube.

If you are reading this post then you need help with the basic admin essentials.
Recently, Basic Admin Essentials was updated because of which the MainModule did not work anymore and if someone modified it to work, It broke.

  • This post will help you get the MainModule
  • This post will help you modify BAE 2.0.

Here are a few things that this post will help you in:

  • Modifying BAE 2.0
  • Changing Admin Names
  • Changing The Loaded Print Statement that is displayed in developer console.
  • For other help, You can reply to the post and I will help if it is possible.

To start, Make sure you have the Basic Admin Essentials 2.0… To make this very easier to setup, I have modified the Script of BAE to automatically work. You can get it from here: BAE 2.0 Modified

Please do not change the loader ID in the main Basic Admin Script…
This modified BAE is 100% virus free and working!

Here are some guides to help you.

Setup and Installation

To make this work you are requested to ungroup the model in ServerScriptService and look at this post for more help. DO NOT CHANGE THE LOADER ID OF THE Basic Admin Essentials SCRIPT

Making the admin curved UI

To make the admin system gui’s have curved edges you will have to open the script
Basic Admin Modified
and then add a UICorner to the “Essentials Client”
Enjoy the UI Corner BAE.

Custom Names For Admin Ranks

To change the name of the admin levels/ranks that appear to a player when they join the game like:
Admin View
You will have to locate Essential Code
BAE Essential Code
After locating it, Open the Essential Code Script and go to line 2583. You will see the following code:

			testService:Message("Basic Admin Essentials 2.0 | "..clientConfig.Version.." | Prefix: \""..clientConfig.Prefix.."\" | Act. Prefix: \""..clientConfig.actionPrefix.."\"") --Change "Basic Admin Essentials 2.0 | " to print statement
			local adminTitle
			if clientConfig.Permission == 1 then
				adminTitle = "Moderator" --Change Moderator Name
			elseif clientConfig.Permission == 2 then
				adminTitle = "Administrator" --Change Administator Name
			elseif clientConfig.Permission == 3 then
				adminTitle = "Super Admin" --Change Super Admin Name
			elseif clientConfig.Permission == 4 then
				adminTitle = "Creator Admin" --Change Creator Admin Name
				testService:Message("Basic Admin Essentials 2.0 | DP: "..tostring(clientConfig.donorEnabled).." | CD: "..tostring(clientConfig.Debugging)) --Change "Basic Admin Essentials 2.0 | " to print statement. DO NOT CHANGE DP
			if adminTitle then
				pendNotif(adminTitle,'Click for Commands',{'Cmds'})

			return clientConfig.Key

Please make sure you do not change the DP Text or remove it from line 2594 or else the script might break.
The script block explains the code already. Just follow the --Text exactly and it will work. The Basic Admin loaded thing(2 of them) is the Print statement that you can see in the developer console.

Thanks for your time reading this post and I hope it helped you…
I am a bit new to making devforum posts so please tell me if this is the wrong category and I will move it so that this post does not get deleted by Moderation.

By :grinning: Healix_YT
Owner of Shakiez Bakery and

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Thank you for sharing this, but just make sure that this should go under #resources:community-resources or #resources:community-tutorials ! Will try this when I get access to Studio.


I hope it helps you when you have access to studio.
Thanks for telling, I have moved it.


I do not like that you give yourself full admin control. (tho to be fair so does r_r…)


I can not control any admin for any games that use this modified admin. The debugger only has access to the databases of the admin.

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The most recent update was made on May 10th, 2020. It is functioning effectively for me, both with and without my personal modifications.

I would like to enhance @0bBinary’s response by providing a diff highlighting the specific additions and removals. You can find the highlighted changes at this link: Basic Admin Diff - Diff Checker


Please note that there are NO Changes to the BAE2.0. The only modifications made are that I have set myself as the Debugger to make more modifications in the future and access databases. The 2nd thing done is that the Main Basic admin essential script that contains all the other files such as the essential code, the mainModule and plugins has been set to make the mainModule work. This model also just let’s you add the official Basic Admin but the mainModule is with it and it is configured.

If you are thinking that I have made this just to get admin in games which used this Modified BAE2.0…Then I think and I can say that you are wrong.
Please do not argue releated that I have done this for no reason and I should not have done this.

This post is also more of an guide to help people that know/dont know scripting or need help and are using the BAE2.0 by r_r. It just helps the people to get the mainModule and change a few things of the BAE.(A modification guide basically.)

What is the purpose behind your need to access databases within other individuals’ games?


You can ask this same thing to r_r. I had said it is for making modifications in the future.

You don’t have to grant yourself Creator Admin privileges in other people’s games just to update the model. Moreover, you haven’t provided any concrete examples where you would require Creator Admin access in other people’s games, apart from the general reason of “making modifications,” which lacks specificity.

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I can conclude that people are not happy with the model giving me Creator Admin/Debugger in other’s games…
I have removed myself as the debugger…I have left it blank for people to add themselve.

Could I ask, For what "Debugger " is

Hi! This post is really old so I prefer not necrobumping it. But debugger is basically people who are added and get game owner admin and they have some debugging commands like !debuglogs and etc.

Whenever I modify the Essentials Client UI it breaks, I’ve gone over this lots of times and I don’t know what to do

I’d prefer not necrobumping this post. DM me so that I can assist further.

You can always remove the user(s) added to the script.

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